The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

Trump is still a 73 year fat fuck that can keel over at a moment’s notice.


Yea, but not the charisma that Donny has.

At which point Schumer, Feinstein etc (inexplicably still alive) will openly criticise people revelling in the death of a great American


The dude is old as fuck and looks like a rapidly-melting candle. He’s not running again. He wants adoration without responsibility, and he wants to avoid prison. Extrapolate his options from there.


I actually think his charisma (if you want to call it that) is similar.
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Well OK, if his main drive is adoration, he will run for 2024 for sure. If his main drive is instead to avoid prison he has to leave the country. He can’t get both in any way I can see.

Trump is not able to live a non-rich lifestyle. He would rather die in the bunker.
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Fucking psychopaths in all of these videos.

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I don’t think the Black dude is a psychopath. He is just stupid and uninformed.

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I find it really weird Trump % keeps falling on 538 despite him closing pretty noticeably with bookmakers. I mean I’m super paranoid (and not even an American) but I just want to see those bookies odds blowout.

After 2016, I think a lot of people are wary about betting on Dems and the MAGA dopes are of course certain it’s a lock for Trump. I’m not surprised the betting markets are tilted toward Trump.


This last dude, talking about how he got such a low rate on his house as if that was a product of trump doing a good job…smh, his wages somehow tripling during trumps presidency was definitely trump cuz I know everyones wages tripled since 2016


I’m wary as fuck. If there was an easy, legal way to unload on Hillary last time, I’d have lost six figures easy. Or at least I’d have been in serious jeopardy of that. There were opportunities to stop the bleeding on election night, which if I’d had that much at stake, I’d have been taking as much advantage of as possible.


There’s some level of Venn diagram overlap between those.

If you aren’t American then betfair has already had $280m exchanged on 2020 president post-election.