The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

It’s gonna be tough for him to have his precious rallies once he’s out of power and cities are less willing to just let him use arenas hoping they get repaid, not to mention all his government funded rallies. I also don’t think he can keep people hyped up for 2024 while he whines like a bitch for 4 years about how he was robbed of the election.


Trump isn’t running for anything ever again. He is going to parlay his fame into some kind of crazy fusion of OAAN and Alex Jones and run a network for the clinically insane.


running for president every cycle would energize the viewership. i think if trump loses he launches his next campaign for president before this december


I have a feeling he’s going to Russia. If therec is ever any heat whatsoever on him legally, I think Putin happily gives him asylum and Trump will just give him a ton of state secrets in exchange for praise and protection.


I feel like there are too many if Trump loses fantasies around here.

The dude is going to be straight up rigging it to win. I don’t know what his chance of success is on that, but I believe it’s a lot higher than most here think.


Man can you imagine the news if he fled to Russia? Fox News would be like who’s trump, never heard of the guy but sounds like a bad dude…anywho let’s talk about Sean Hannity running for prez


I’m not sure how much value Trump’s mush brain will have as a Russian asset. The dude gets all of his intelligence from Fox News. How many state secrets will he ever have known, much less not have forgotten within days to weeks.

Trump is Putin’s useful idiot. He will cut Trump from his life like Bill Belichick cuts a running back after a fumble.


i think he will do this too to avoid state charges and stuff. but he’ll never admit to fleeing, he’ll always just say like, “i’m auditing my business here, super normal, and my lawyers tell me it would be stupid for me to leave russia while i’m auditing”


Putin might recruit him, only to turn him away at border and disavow any involvement. Trump is also dumb enough to fall for it.

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Ok, guess I’ll uncancel now.

how great would it be if he gets snowden’s old room

I think that only becomes true when the GOP finds its next superstar. Until then, Trump commands the voters, Trump commands the party. Which is a lot of words to say I too am looking forward to Ivanka 2028.
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we are drawing live to him magically flying to poland and ending up in russia on election day or just before inauguration day

Though I don’t know why he’d do that since he didn’t collude with them or anything.

Wouldn’t be happy if he still owes putin like a billion or something. He might not even want to keep him, just take whatever he asked don to give him then give him the boot.

cause the only way he would is if we’re getting TRUMP TV uh live from trump studios in moscow the real news.

It’s a mixture of all of the above.

Starts his own network
Bankrolled by oligarchs
Threatens to run every cycle, enlivening his core demo, parlayed into a king maker for republican wannabe nut jobs.

Just an overall massive agent of chaos until forever…

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I’ve got over/under on Trump living at 10 yrs. They’re going to need someone to take the baton soon enough. I think Don Jr is the perfect choice. He’s got the right mix of dumb and evil.