The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

I think every time he ratchets up he loses some audience who are turned off by it and come to their senses… but the people who stay in are getting a purer product and love it that much more.

Interestingly this process he’s going through with these people would be pretty damn successful as a product in capitalism. Definitely better to have truly rabid fans than to have a wider less interested audience. It’s just really shitty in politics. In politics having people hate you is a real problem.

It’s not just that us normies hate him. It’s that everyone who has been forced against their will into his narcissistic orbit and been forced to debase themselves at political gunpoint also hate him. This isn’t a ideologically based hatred (although that’s probably part of it, particularly for the Dems) this is a personal hatred that isn’t about anything but him being an odious human being.

He’s an incompetent abusive asshole who is somehow also insanely needy and annoying. Living in close contact with that dude professionally is not what anyone signed up for. Most of the people with personality disorders in Washington are functional people with personality disorders. They might be absolutely awful, and the juniors might have to deal with them behind the scenes… I’m not disputing any of that… But Donald Trump is a special kind of fucked up. Literally everything he touches necrotizes and then sloughs off leaving behind horrific scarring. I absolutely guarantee at least one of these religious nuts secretly thinks he’s the anti christ.


This is bizarre; I first thought this is a Ben Garrison drawing.


Some examples:

  • Straight up cheering on the terrorists in Michigan
  • Promising to lock up political opponents (no justification offered)
  • Really ugly Ilhan Omar stuff
  • Bragging about ordering the Portland murder
  • Encouraging “poll watchers” and the like
  • Worsening rants about rigged election etc.

And this uhh…whatever this is :grinning:

Same. Absolutely Trump drawing was shopped in.

Strong words ITT. Directly calling out Trump for inciting domestic terrorism.

And the people bowed and prayed to the neon god they made.


Scientology is a grift operation meant to separate rich people from their money. Which candidate and party do you think appeals to stupid gullible rich people?



I agree about personally hating him, but nobody actually reading his tweets or listening to his random insane ramblings at pressers give a fuck about his insanity. Only hardcores and trolls watch that shit. Every Trumper I know is tuned out, maybe because they think that shit is insane and don’t want to be dissuaded because they know they gotta vote Trump cuz white America or whatever. Like 5% of his supporters are tuned into that shit and they’re the most hardcore ones who love it. no people who could change their vote pay attention to his nonsense.

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Tons of people around me still have big trump flags on their houses and fly them on their trucks. I wonder what happens if he gets crushed. Do they still fly the flags? Pack them up? Do they replace them with Q flags or a new conspiracy about dems rigging the election?

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That’s easy. Trump lost on purpose to go deeper undercover to infiltrate the deep democratic conspiracy of baby-eating lizard people.

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No way they accept he lost legitimately. They think he’s 100% to win. It’ll be about how the dems cheated and how they need to take back the country, maybe even with violence.

I definitely expect lots of domestic terror attacks.

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You’ll never see another trump sign a year or two after he loses. The whole reason they like him is “he is a winner”.

Unless, you know, Fox News/Breitbart claim he only lost due to voter fraud/the illegals/the Clintons or something. But what’s the odds of that happening?


They will clearly be too embarrassed to fly some red, racist loser flag.



More like sweet dancy moses.


Not denying that will happen. Just predicting how the mythos will morph to explain it.

He will immediately begin his re-election campaign for 2024 and his current voters will follow. The GOP can’t abandon him. They would have to actively separate from him. That would divide the GOP and potentially deliver a legitimate third party. Win or lose in 2020, their wagon is hitched to him until he retires.

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Trump always says what’s on his mind, recently at a rally, he reportedly mentioned leaving the country if he loses.

There is video of it.

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