The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

would be cool if he blocked trmp campaign videos on youtube where his songs are used

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The odds markets are mega irrational but still concerning because I worry about everything. You could argue the lines just price in cheating but at Biden +10 nationally thereā€™s just no rational case for Trump +130 or whatever Bovada is dealing. I think it is a function of limits - you can only bet $900. Hell they still have Dem popular vote at -500, which is just straight up insanity and actual free money.

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Honestly political bets reminds me of Floyd vs McGregor. Like Floyd should have been -3000 or something, but because Conor had a fuckton of insanely stupid fans who were convinced he would win, the odds were like Floyd -200 or something lololol. I even got a lot of people at the casino to bet me even odds on that fight.

But yeah when you have tons of people who are more motivated to bet by ideology than sharps looking to make profit, betting markets donā€™t really mean shit. Iā€™d say like 90% of people betting on politics arenā€™t apolitical sharps.

There are legions of Trumpers dropping money on Trump because they think heā€™s going to win in a landslide. I can tell you like 100% of Trump supporters think hes going to crush and polls are fake news. Just go to any section of the internet where Trumpers post, theyā€™re all 100% convinced he canā€™t lose.

Like the betting markets probably shifted because the Hunter story caused a bunch of Trumpers to drop more money on Trump.

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Is this code or something. 50% of what. Iā€™m so confused.

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heā€™s high on his own supply. deplorables in general are so convinced that this is some killer issue, they think about it 24/7 and they assume everyone else cares about it. their thinking is so saturated with it that they get an endorphin rush from these little text snippets and they assume that the general public has the same lizardbrain response.


Sure but I assume the 50% and 10% mean something?

i think it means something from one of the emails about how much of a percentage he or hunter was getting or something, but thats a guess honestly

I have a feeling based on absolutely nothing other than I have a feeling that in a two horse race with a clear favorite itā€™s hard to generate enough action to create a realistic market. Sure Iā€™m wrong tho but fuck you and your logic I have a feeling.

Without sharp money correcting the lines this happens. Itā€™s the limits on max bet size that are fucking it up.


Lol, down by 10 with two weeks left, and heā€™s all in on Hunter. Keep it up, bro. Youā€™re killing it.


Hopefully nobody will ever make another post about trump ā€œstrategyā€.

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So Trump doesnā€™t have any events in Vegas but heā€™s grifting 2 nights at his hotel there while doing events in Reno, California, and Arizona? Nice.

I googled it and found a NY Post article that I wonā€™t link to because fuck them but Iā€™ll happily quote

ā€œThat makes it impossible for ā€˜50%, or 10%ā€™ Joe, to ever assume the office of the President!,ā€ Trump continued.

He was referring to a report in The Post last Wednesday that Hunter Biden introduced his father, who was at the time President Barack Obamaā€™s vice president, to a top executive at Burisma, a Ukrainian energy firm whose board he sat on.

The meeting took place a year before Biden called for the ouster of a top Ukrainian prosecutor.

Vadym Pozharskyi, an adviser to the Burisma board, thanked Hunter Biden for the ā€œopportunityā€ to meet his father in an email sent on April 17, 2015.

The message was found on the hard drive of a laptop that the son allegedly dropped off at a Delaware computer shop and never returned to pick up.

I checked their original story about the laptop and ā€œ50%, or 10%ā€ was nowhere in the text so I give up on further trying to figure it out.

The 10% comes from some email that said that the ā€˜big manā€™ was going to be offered 10% equity in something and the NY Post or someone saying that some inside source says the ā€™ Big Manā€™ refers to Joe Biden, the implication that Joe was doing some quid pro quo

So desperate lol

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Laptop plus!


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