The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.


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( twitter | raw text )

Haha you can tell he was watching SNL if he’s on Twitter at 1 AM.

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In which Trump says of Democrats “Lock em all up,” and nobody flinches.

If he wins there will be camps for dissenters.

There is a part of me that is morbidly curious to see him defend this in the midst of like 15% unemployment and a raging pandemic.

Like if we could just sim it as if he won and watch to see what did happen, it would be fascinating to…

Oh, fuck.


lol I love how Republicans use songs without knowing what the lyrics mean

For fuck’s sake that song might as well have been written about Donald Trump




Trump to +160 from +225. Getting nervous (though I probably shouldn’t be).

i don’t think trump was +225 on any major bookie

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Democrat -170 at Bovada is pretty tempting.

Could also bet Republican PA +185 for a freeroll with possible middle because there is NFW Trump wins without PA.

I mean, I’m not saying I’m a convert to trump’s idea of “shithole countries”, I’m just saying, check out the list of countries where approval of US leadership rose when Trump replaced Obama.

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Poll them all again… I bet a huge percentage of people around the world disprove of all outgoing US presidents and approve more of the new ones until they get to know them (and the atrocities they tend to perpetrate around the globe).

Betfair - basically the only bookie anyone should use. But maybe only available for non americans

He was up to 3.5 on Betfair until recently. Now he’s back to 2.58.

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What the countries where approval rose have in common isn’t “shitholery”; it looks more like a mix of a couple of things - a history of racism and a long track record of irredeemably corrupt government enriching themselves at the expense of an impoverished population ie countries that might buy into the bullshit about an authoritarian draining the swamp.

In other words, the desperate and the deplorable.



I would’ve made different big font / small font choices. Crazy to have big font on decay (wat) and not on incompetence or corruption.

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Incompetence & corruption are too long word wise. Would massively mess up the balance and would have to be a total redesign

It’s an odd choice. One font size would be fine.

I guess i have to cancel the NYT again.