The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.
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Jackass is holding a fundraiser in OC tomorrow. (Info below pasted from an email from Congressman Rouda.) Still plenty of deplorables around these parts.

Tomorrow, Donald Trump is coming to Orange County – and he’s charging folks thousands of dollars to join him for a reception.

This is the time to send him a message: we reject his hateful agenda, we believe he’s threatening our democracy, and we’re not going to vote for him in Orange County.
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American treasures?

Bombs and ammo and shit

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Trump is self-owning so often that one can miss the little things like this, but this whole line of attack has blown up in his face. A huge chunk of the Trump voter base in the Midwest is dealing with addiction issues in their family, the Biden team has very successfully re-framed this in a sympathetic way. Any campaign would have abandoned this, but Team Florida Man is still hammering away at it because they’re all moron grifters.

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It’s especially self-defeating given Don Junior’s obvious issues.

had a discussion with a friend today who is a republican. he is a pretty good guy, generous with me, my family, all our friends. but he is for low taxes less regulation (including guns) and i guess there’s a ton of support police with racial overtones. partner at a financial advice biz, immigrant. don’t think he’s foxnews nut but pretty much. says he hates trmp. whatever, pretty sure he’s going to vote straight R. tried to discuss things with him, although he sorta expects florida man to get clobbered, says senate needs to stay R otherwise “supply-side inflation” is coming because we are “printing money”, housing crisis was bill clinton’s fault, obama should have let GM fail because capitalism, etc.

anyway i was doing ok COMPLETELY DESTROYING his talking points mostly with what i know from krugman newsletters, he brings up “four more years of trump, not going to be much different because stimulus is going to come either way”. as soon as he says 4 more years of trmp, my Apple watch pops up this notification

fml. going to try to find behavioral therapist and go for a physical, hopefully sooner than later. stocking up some weed for election night.


There’s probably a legitimate issue to be made about Hunter’s obviously shady business dealings and him being compromised to Russian oligarchs, but instead Team Trump went with the “lol, he does cocaine!” line of attack. Man, it’s 2020, people are angry and out of work, no one gives a flying fuck about whatever drugs Joe Biden’s son has snorting up his nose hole.


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He’s gonna pivot any day now.

it’s unlikely hunter had actual shady dealings. shady companies need the veneer of legitimacy more than they need access to politicians, and they are not really giving biden information he could reveal to fbi for example, because LDO he could. e.g. putin has former german chancellor shroeder on payroll, just to show him off to pipeline investors. RT employs larry king. there are more examples. there are physics profs doing nobel-type research in china and saudi arabia for mad $$$.

you can fault hunter for not realizing this from the beginning and taking such an obvious no show paycheck tho. could have found a much less stressful job in silicon valley, or better yet rehab advocacy or philanthropy. one look at butisma owner should be enough for any poker player to get up from the table

Very weird word choices here.

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May the dustbin of history be your final resting place.

And also