The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

Updated it for you @Trolly

Biden Blizzard


I think heā€™s aged 20 years in the past 4 years? I swear, his hair was all black when gamergate started and now itā€™s totally grey. Maybe the ravages of war have aged him.



No. Typically SCOTUS judges donā€™t have security.

Unsurprising. Thereā€™s no supporters left that arenā€™t off the deep end.

This is true. When the do, SCOTUS has their own police.

When Justice David Souter was mugged while jogging in 2004, commentators questioned why his protective detail hadnā€™t been present. Members of the Police explained that Justices prefer to rely on their relative anonymity for protection.



A long time ago my dad told me found this small, super-authentic Italian restaurant in downtown DC and the way he knew it was absolutely authentic was that he would see Scalia going there for lunch. No, I never asked what the restaurant was because I was young and too dumb to care.


Rudy literally working with Russian spies and itā€™s barely even news.

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illegal coupe!




Itā€™s closed now, but this was probably the joint.

Some old-school residents havenā€™t needed a new place though, since their pizza craving has been satiated for the past 50 years by [A.V. Ristorante Italiano] Rarely, however, is it nominated as the cityā€™s best pizza, nor is it mentioned as the place to go for authentic red sauce Italian fare.

Except, of course, when you ask Supreme Court Justice and foodie Antonin Scalia. ā€œI realize itā€™s not the best restaurant in town, but Iā€™ve been going there for nearly 50 years, so I have a special connection to the place,ā€ he said, when asked about A.V. on January 9th at a private reception. ā€œAnd it has the best pizza in town.ā€ He should know. Having grown up in New Jersey and Queens, he honed his taste for the perfect slice in a region with more pizza joints than anywhere in the United States.

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Warming up for Nov. 3rd, almost got in a bar fight with a Trumper. Called him a white trash cult member, among other things. He told me he was a libertarian who made a million a year and had a law degree. I asked where he went to law school, which he wouldnā€™t answer, and then why he felt he had to lie to me. The bouncer saw us being aggressive and wanted a word, but I decided to leave instead.

I wasnā€™t really planning to hit the bar, which is like a block away, but his GF was having a smoke and offered to buy me a beer before this all transpired (I met her once in like Jan.) and she brought me over to the table. Again, I wasnā€™t planning to be out tonight so I just went home and opened a bottle of quarantine wine instead of going to one of the 4 other bars nearby. (I did say to the girl that I can finally break quarantine because at least Iā€™ll live to see Trump lose even if I get pozzed.)

My Biden shirt will be clean and pressed on election day and I plan to hit the bars and be unruly. Iā€™m 6ā€™2", 300lbs, fairly strong, and kinda loud and arrogant, so the Trumpers will love me.


Uhh wtf are you doing at a barā€¦ have you been in the Covid thread recently? Shit is getting super bad again. I get going out to live life but bars are legit like the worst place to be AFAIK.

Are you in a relationship? If not the obvious move if youā€™re willing to risk the rona is to see if the GF is interested in meeting privately.


So the bar is next to the liquor store, which i went to get some smokes to accompany my planned bottle of wine. I decided to check out the bar, which is mainly operating outside. Girl i barely knew was drunk and friendly and cute and having a smoke outside the bar and told me to join her crew on the outside patio (smoking area is outside the outside patio) and bought me a beer. Then i learned her BF was a Trumper and i kinda want off on him. I then went home even though I coulda went to other bars out of respect for Covid. So not exactly hitting the bars, but did hit the outside patio. That said, if anyone has Covid (and a few other things) itā€™s this girl, who is an attractive, overly friendly bartender (at a different bar).

I will probably go to a friendā€™s for Nov. 3, but i may just go to an outside bar and drink and be rude to Trumpers instead, because they deserve it.


Ever try anxiety meds? I obviously have a reason (stop recurring nightmares of what happened w my son). But it also allows me to not sweat the small stuff. I probably should double my dose through the election but then I lose motivation and I think some righteous anger is actually healthy in the current world.

But I look back at my parenting as a young parent and some kind of chill pill would have made me a heck of lot better when they were little.

The caffeine trade off is rough. Iā€™m really trying to not have any after early afternoon. My other problem is I get mine in soda. Yeah sugar.


Those that care already knew via Lev et al.

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