The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

We get these all the time. My wife gave $25 a few years back so we’ll never be off the list even tho I’m quite rude with my ‘No I won’t be giving you anything. Goodbye’. It’s probably a recording anyway but makes me feel better.

Maybe. The whole “I’m gonna leave if I don’t get what I want” attitude is, like a lot of his behavior, from Page 1 of the Toxic Narcissist Playbook. Anyone who has been in a family or relationship including a malignant narcissist will recognize this behavior pattern of withholding or threatening to withhold attention, affection, or resources. It also explains, for example, stuff like not wanting to give Federal money to “Democrat states”, he doesn’t actually give a shit about their politics he is just applying his normal relationship patterns to the relationship between state and federal government.


Call me an optimist but if he loses I think he is well and truly fucked. I think he is broke regardless of random Forbes articles and he (and the family) are up to their eyeballs in serious financial criminality and will be dropped like the preverberal stone by anyone with influence who will gladly let the wolves at him.

But as I say I’m a half full guy on this. Which is odd cos I’m certainly half empty on most other things.


Maybe the party higher-ups will move on, but Trump’s supporters in the electorate are loyal to a fault and may not follow the party’s lead. Seems like the implosion could be epic, and will definitely be fun to watch. Maybe Trump launches an independent campaign for 2024?

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Of all the Trump failures, the most astounding to me is his failure to make money owning the Washington hotel WHILE HES THE FUCKING PRESIDENT. Every corrupt diplomat on earth is staying there! How is he losing money!

Some fun details in here.

I can’t read the article because its behind a paywall, but I imagine this has something to do with being the world’s worst negotiator. For starters I assume he is getting awful rates on any private loans he is getting. And running a hotel must involve all kinds of contract negotiation with suppliers, etc. Trump is the kind of person to overrule smart decisions by the people he has assigned to these things, probably to the point that only grifting crooks will work for him. I’m sure those people are extracting a lot without any real concern for the health of the enterprise.

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I have a feeling this is my main issue too. My son has been diagnosed and gets treatment, but I have avoided talking to someone because the meds just arent viable (as far as I know) for someone with weight and heart issues like me. So I slam 3-5 Monsters a day to help me concentrate at work, but it inevitably leads me to irratibility and snappiness in the afternoon.

Next time I see someone I’m gonna see about getting diagnosed and from there maybe there are treatment options that will work for someone in my situation

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Lolllllllll at how easily this could have been Trump. What an astonishing fuckup. The guy could have cruised to reelection and record approval.

When just around 100 people had tested positive for COVID-19 in late March, Ms Ardern put New Zealand into a strict lockdown with a motto of “go hard and go early”.

There is currently no community spread of COVID-19 in the nation of five million and people are no longer required to wear masks or socially distance.

Ms Ardern - whose government has focused particularly on the New Zealand housing crisis, child poverty and social inequality since coming into power in 2017 - has been cheered on and greeted by crowds trying to get selfies with her on the campaign trail.

“Elections aren’t always great at bringing people together but they also don’t need to tear one another apart,” she said after her win.

“And in times of crisis I believe New Zealand has shown that and for that again, I say thank you.”

Bonus 1: Jacinda is only 40 years old

She said: "Tonight’s result has been strong. And it is clear that Labour will lead the government for the next three years.

“And over the next three years there is a lot to do. We will build back better from the COVID crisis.”



Should’ve found an excuse to go to New Zealand.

If luck is on my side, I’ll find a New Zealander here and off I go to Auckland!


62% of adults are morons according to that survey. No answer other than very inaccurate is acceptable there. Maybe I can get on board with some of the I don’t know crowd but how checked out to you have to be to not be like lol no those people are idiots?

Never underestimate how terrible of a fucking businessman he is, and his sons are. Remember that he bankrupted casinos at a time when it was fucking impossible to bankrupt casinos. Like, they basically just printed money, but he still fucking bankrupted them.

1 in 6 Democrats think that QAnon is at least somewhat accurate? What the fuck.
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Except it couldn’t have been Trump. Jacinda is intelligent, savvy, empathetic and curious about the world.

There is no universe in which Trump could have done better.

This was Trump doing his absolute best! We got his A+ game.

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“Little” Ben’s Ass. Recycling insults or playing the classic hits? Eye of the beholder.

Watch New Zealand end up as the world’s lone superpower in the next decade because they were the only country able to stop the disease. Well, them and China.