The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

This is just disgusting. These fking people man.

lol I listened to this guyā€™s podcast once. I think it was his old one ā€œThe Ax Filesā€ Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s called something else now. But heā€™s got loads more non-ironic gems just like this one.

Lol, itā€™s grifters all the way down:

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I can totally see Trump getting FOH if he loses. Heā€™s beholden to money, not America.

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( twitter | raw text )
( twitter | raw text )

Youā€™ll be thrilled to know I stole that for Facebook - where it will be seen by about two-dozen politically like-minded friends, and my mom.


If he loses, he holes up at Mar-a-Lago and continues to rage-Tweet until heā€™s 90.

A chance to go viral. Glglglglglgl

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Oh dunk, we have some Guns Nā€™ Roses fans in the house.

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I started to grok why Joe Biden really was the right nominee to take on Trump when I saw the video of Lindsay Graham gushing over him. And since I realized that he was actually a fundamentally decent human being who was just rolling along being decent to the people he met along the way. Thatā€™s the primary motivation for the guy.

Yes probably even when he was passing the crime bill or spearheading the bankruptcy bill. The people around him (who he just automatically cares about basically) were lobbyists and political people.

So what with Trump being a totally inhuman monster who gives any remotely aware person all kinds of bad vibes (Iā€™ve had a major aversion to the guy since way before he was president. I remember my wife trying to get me to watch celebrity apprentice with her back in 2012 (donā€™t judge she was 22 lol)ā€¦ and the sheer fakeness of it was insanely loud. Like over the top blasting you in the face loud. It was television that 27 year old me wouldnā€™t sit through to get laid. In particular the thing that really really bothered me was watching people just suck up to this dude insanely insanely hard it just all felt really gross.

So yeah I didnā€™t take him at all seriously before he actually became president. Iā€™ll freely admit I was rooting for him in the primaries because I thought he was just about the worst political candidate Iā€™d ever seen and literally gods punishment on the GOP for brainwashing their voters. I thought heā€™d lose the entire independent vote and get rolled harder than Obama had won 2008 or 2012. Lol me I guess.

So here we are in 2020, weā€™re working our way toward 300k dead (we have no idea how many people have died so far, we wonā€™t know that until next year sometime), the economy is totally fucked, the USā€™s standing as the worlds policeman is probably gone for good, the deficit for this year is north of 3T (again this is a number we wonā€™t actually know for some timeā€¦ itā€™s large)ā€¦

Maybe itā€™s because Iā€™m having a super weird trip with figuring out caffeine + adderall + green stuff + sleep, but the raw absurdity of reality right now is making me question the nature of reality and my ability to perceive it.

I just really hope this isnā€™t some tiny little filter bubble full of delusional people. I really hope we get to the light at the end of the tunnel and we fade the experience of living through a state going from failure to collapse at increasing velocity.

Iā€™m really scared though. I know that.


I gush every time one of us goes on a long rant and gets way into the tangled weeds of our heads.


lmao @BestOf

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Iā€™m imagining Trump meeting God on judgment day and seeing this


That was me. I felt the 3rd vs 8th circle of hell title was too long winded and we didnā€™t need a 14th century literary reference.

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Can someone please make a gif out of this.

Iā€™ve slept 9 hours over the last three nights. Probably obvious right now.


Dang dude. Well no wonder. You going to be able to get some sleep soon?

Do I even want to know the story behind this Ian Miles Cheong guy?