The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

Here is how Forbes list works. Really Uber wealthy people ignore it. In some cases a variety of people can have their wealth pegged through public records.

Other egomaniacs would have their accountants put together packages to demonstrate how rich they were.

Trump is a unique case. He at first pleaded to get on the list, then once on complained about pretty much every ranking saying it was too low. The kicker is Trump has never provided Forbes any shred of evidence documenting his wealth. Forbes just said ā€œwatevsā€ and just started making stuff up. When they got criticized forever about it, they defended themselves by talking about calculating partial evaluations of random buildings trump may or may not own.

F orbes!


I donā€™t know how long ago trump tweeted this, but is funny someone caught it, and has to get near the top of the ā€œhow did trump do that in a tweetā€.

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The amount of people in on the conspiracy to make up something like that would probably need to be in the dozens - including multiple doctors. All at risk of one nurse or someone at Walter Reed gets a whiff of it.

If he never went to the hospital but just disappeared for a few days and said he had it, the odds go up imo.

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Both are moral arguments though.

Bringing unwanted babies into the world to face a life time of suffering, is absolutely against my morals.

And I think baby trumps prebaby so with both having moral arguments, the winner is choice.

Iā€™ll PM you my momā€™s phone number.


But what about Jesusā€™ plan


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For the record, I didnā€™t mean to suggest suzzermomā€™s argument was a winner. I just meant that it was a logical continuation of that conversation. Most derpers canā€™t even do that.

I think we need a TR on this. Very interested in how well-informed the self-avowed one issue voter is on their one issue.

Yeah I got what you were throwing.

He probably already has it.


Thatā€™s fucking incredible. Thatā€™s the kind of relationship I hope to have with my son when heā€™s in his 40s. Minus the whole drug addiction thing obv


I will not be quizzing my Mom on the SCOTUS justices at least until after the election.

( twitter | raw text )

This makes me like Joe Biden more than literally anything else he has ever done or said.


Sure, thatā€™s fair. Letā€™s wait until after the inauguration, just to be safe. Iā€™ll bump in a few months.

He voted to remove Trump from office.

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Seriously, no points for that. There was no real threat of him being removed.


Uh, David, I think they already decided bud.



Donald Trump, speaking at his own campaign event on Friday afternoon, referenced the kidnap plot.

ā€œWe caught some people doing whatever, weā€™ll find out whatever that was all about and then she said it was my fault, it was my people that caught them, it was Trumpā€™s fault, always Trumpā€™s fault," said the president.

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