The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

I heard a radio ad this weekend for a Trump store within an hour of me.

Yes. Joe Biden has not declined at all in his old age. As a normal person would. He is super human!

He isn’t senile but if you think he is on the same level as 2012 you are a moron.

Also even in his best years he plagarized and had horrific gaffes.


I think his point is that the stumbling over words isn’t part of any decline if there is decline.

Go watch old debates. He isn’t the same. Neither am I from my younger years. Come the fuck on.

He is 77. Do you know anyone who is 77 in peak mental shape? I’d say the same about Bernie.

I’ll be Mr. optimist for a second. Nobody is watching these rallies. Stable genius may win a plurality in the ratings when he calls into Hannity, but 96% of the people are watching something else. There is no second debate, and Biden should do well in his town hall. People are already voting, will have voted, by the time they debate again (I prefer Biden cancels the last debate but probably won’t). Biden is at or over 50% in states that insta give him 270. Stable genius’s worst issue by far is covid and it’s getting worse; his LIBERATE messaging isn’t working. His outs are: Biden dies, or the race narrows by 3-4% and they attempt to steal the election across like 5 states which Biden is going to win if the votes are properly counted.


Pom, What’s an MLO? What questions would u like me to ask the sales force?

If Biden randomly dies before the election, this has to be a simulation.

Unfortunately, all 824,500 of those votes need to go into one ballot box.


MLO is you. We could get questions from here. Anyone could suggest them.

I’ll head be there tomorrow or Thursday .



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I don’t think you are doing it on purpose but you are being ableist. Saying the same things about Bernie isn’t the same. Bernie doesn’t have a disability whose main symptom is stumbling over your words.

Of course he has declined. He is old as fuck. All I am asking if you choose your attacks more carefully so as not to mock those with a disability. It is also unnecessary as there are many totally valid lines of attack to use against him.


We need a thread to brainstorm questions first. To be clear I will pay you 50/h for video on site to look for participants and ask questions up to 8 hours. Ill make a new thread.

So we agree. Maybe my choice of terminology was poor. I will admit that and apologize. Biden has declined. As we all will if we are lucky enough.


Excellent, you’re already getting into character as a barely-literate Trump-supporter. :wink:


Trump supporter? Why do you lie on public’s forums? Why do you make stuff up? You are not witty or funny.

He was kidding.

normalization–where the reaction to the president of the united states calling a woman the c word is my brain completely glossing over it

then thinking wait, did you mean the longer c word?

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He’s also been legendary for gaffes his whole career. Including at least one that was racial.

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btw Trump has notably declined even from 4 years ago.