The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

Or Trump crushes on in person votes but gets whacked that much worse on mail-in votes, and a bunch of states count slowly and he tries to shut down the counts.

This is something I think about literally every day (see my badge) and Iā€™m scared as fuck about it actually happening.

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Gaffes are a symptom of his disability.

Absolutely. Go back and watch the GOP primary debates. That trump is MUCH sharper.


I got very few likes for the mental anguish I endured.


And MLO proved heā€™s barely literate by failing to understand what ā€œgetting into characterā€ meant.


Yeah, these rallies are down to CSPAN (sometimes only online), OAN, and NEWSMAX. Nobody who matters is watching them anymore.

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Making jokes about Indians owning 7-11ā€™s is a symptom of a stutter?


In all seriousness, good job media not airing the rallies.


Barely literate? Now you are just being a punk behind a key bored. Iā€™m a lazy poster , absolutely. Iā€™m usually posting stoned in the dark and Iā€™m not a big grammar nazi.

So you know anyone that gambles high in the Carolinas ? You can ask them about my literacy level. You maybe surprised. My name is Michael Davis, whatā€™s yours?

Whatā€™s amazing is we have like four Michael Davisā€™s here, I know one in the poker community in real life, and Iā€™m like 99% sure heā€™s not one of them.


Stop trolling.

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If u ever played in any MB home games while golfing we may have crossed paths.

I havenā€™t, although Iā€™d love to post-COVID.

The one I know is in Baltimore.

Calm down, do you know what ā€œin characterā€ means? My point, which I thought was obvious, was that if youā€™re hoping to get your interview subjects to let their guards down and give you good interviews, youā€™d best be wearing a red MAGA hat.

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Loled hard at ā€œkey boredā€.

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Thereā€™s like a 20% chance one of you fuckers is MLO trolling us.

( twitter | raw text )

IM prepping by watching the Sasha Baran Cohen show where he punks deplorables by getting them to let their guards down. I plan on closing the interview by trying to sell them bulk anti trump pins and Trump TP that I have.


If we had an entire YT channel trolling Trump fans and otherwise living the barstool lifestyle that is something that is probably undelivered at the moment.