The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

He’s talking about Obamagate, the crowd gets angry.

We caught him, he says, on the day they came up empty.


Socialists, Marxists, Radical Leftists

Shots shots shots shots shots shots errrrybody

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Harris is mean

ACB rules

Fill that seat! Fill that seat!

Joe Biden is senile, he doesn’t know how to get off stage.

Single worst candidate in presidential history. Can you imagine if I lost to a guy like this?

You’re goddamn right we can.


Pocohantas. He apologizes for using it - apologizes to the real one, not to Warren.

Can you imagine if I lied or flip flopped?

Asked the asshole setting records for lying.

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Score one for the lawbros.

A reminder that half the forum thought there would be indictments.

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Or sold there. The grifting outside yesterday’s rally was legendary

Trump says PA will lose 1M jobs if Biden is elected. That would take the UI rate to about 20%.

He says the fake news never shows the crowd. OAN immediately shows the crowd and it is huge, they always follow daddy’s orders.

Joe Biden is a liar, okay? He’s a liar with the debates with the radical left Democrats.

If this is true, Texas will be blue.


Dude, I speak from experience here, don’t do this to yourself.


Trump says if we give free healthcare to immigrants, the whole world will come here.

He says everybody gets a free Rolls Royce, and CNN says it’s not true.

CNN Sucks! CNN Sucks! CNN Sucks!

Free Rolls Royce!


Joe Biden was a dummy in his best of years, but now…

It’s just completely unhinged at this point. He says Barron Trump is far too advanced to do childish easy town halls like Biden does.

I have like five minutes left, max, before my brain explodes or I throw the TV off the deck.


He says Kamala is further left than Bernie. He’s a socialist, she’s the c-word.

Sick double entendre from this fucking asshole.

He says we have a cure because whatever the hell he took, he felt like Superman.

These MAGA masks look like upside down KKK hoods.

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Trump says he’s spent more time here in PA than Biden, who motherfucking grew up here.

Says Biden choked like a dog in the debate.

He’s now talking about the 2nd Amendment. After the first 15 minutes of this rally, I’m a bigger fan of the 2A.


Trump says suburban women like him more than anyone. The women roar, one yells “We love you!”

That’s it fuck this shit I’m out.


Trump back below +200 on betfair from +225 4 days ago.
