The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

True story, was written by a friend’s girlfriend (now ex-wife). She pitched it to me while sharing a boozy smoke outside a cabin on a grad student retreat. Told her it was an interesting idea, thinking, “boy, that ain’t gonna sell.”

This convo was before she had a book contract. It took her like 8 years of struggle to complete it.


It’s still in a study to determine if it actually works.

Just like hydroxy needed studies first and then it was determined it was more harm than good, we need studies to finish to determine if this treatment is more harm than good.

This antecdote of one person getting it and recovering does not mean doctors should give it to their patients.

A big benefit to better handing of the pandemic is giving time to do studies and figure out the best treatments before 200k (really over 300k now) people die.

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Sadly that’s pretty good for an obese 74 year old with covid. I was hoping he’d be dead by now.


he’s so drugged up right now. who can say for sure what’s inside. we’re still within the Cain timeline.

and sadly you are correct, that is like 99th percentile dancing for the situation

I’m choosing to look at it this way…

If the president had even a little bit of physical courage he’d have gotten as close to the same treatment as the proles as possible… because the way this happened looks absolutely terrible.

Such a baby he got my hopes up that he might die. Of course it’s just him being a coward. To call that obvious in hindsight is a huge understatement. I knew it was a big part of his range, but I think it was actually 85% of his range (because he was never not demanding all the special treatmentz) with whatever his chances of dying or ending up on a vent making up the rest of it.
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The point is that until two weeks ago people in the US thought that if they got infected they would get what doctors thought was the best possible treatment available at the moment it was indicated. Now they don’t. And it appears they are right to think that.

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Lol can’t even get the numbers right. I see 304-227
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oh come on. man.

if he had just a little bit of physical courage he would turn down the good medicine?

come on lmao


More Mitch smug-laughter. I would like to have heard McGrath expand on what she meant by “the marines don’t just point fingers at the other side”. Not that I think she was threatening him, I just prefer him in indignant asshat mode.

Why does Mitch keep winning elections? I’m not even saying this because I hate his guts. The dude looks like a crypt keeper. And Kentucky has a D governor too. Just makes no sense to me.



I would bet my net worth that Trump has never once uttered the words “ground game.”

  1. We keep running shit candidate against him.
  2. He is legit good at the ad campaign and is near GOAT at knowing how to attack in ads.
  3. Good luck at voting out senate majority leader. “Sure I don’t like Moscow, but KY is lucky to have the senate majority leader. When a bill comes that is good for Kentucky we will be happy he is there!”
  4. Yeah fuck everything about point 3. But the low info voter believes that.

I saw that he mentioned giving control to “New York politicians” several times during the debate. #3 seems to be his angle, and I can see it playing with rubes who don’t understand how the Senate works…They feel like having the majority leader gives them more representation or something.
