The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

not to mention each fetus only produces like 3 doses. it’s really much more like The Dark Crystal than we realize.

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No way, not me. Most people understand the president is afforded medical and drug cocktail advantages no one else gets. That’s part of the fantasy of getting to be POTUS. So his supporters are doe eyed with fantasies of one day being rich enough to manifest their antivirus superpowers, but they don’t believe that’s them today. Got a lot more grifting to do first.
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Biden’s doing a town hall in lieu of a debate and Trump is doing another Klan rally. Hopefully Biden doesn’t cock it up.

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Some harsh language, but judges will allow it

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How’s Christie doing Donald?

Sadly, I thought he was out of the hospital (and alive).

God you run so good you fuck



Good to know that abortions are ok as long as they aren’t involved.


Are they endorsing removing Roe v Wade but encouraging people to get Abortions outside of America then?

This is why I fantasize about driving up on the sidewalk by Planned Parenthood sometimes.


Unclear. The cells came from a fetus that was aborted in the Netherlands in the 1970’s, so you might also want to travel back in time for your abortion.


I guess this means surrogates can always get abortions?

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks was a good book

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He gives them their judges, nothing else matters. They want to overturn Roe and if the hypocrisy along the way triggers some libs, well, that’s just gravy.

Lol US Senate

Grunching on this as I get caught up, but can anyone tell if this video was actually shot today? It’s sped up and slightly blurred, but I can’t make out any masks. Obviously that could mean nothing because lolTrump supporters being idiots, but I would be 0% surprised if it turned out this was shot in 2016 and trump’s propaganda team is making it look current.