The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

The stronger he appears the easier that gets.
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Yeah, enough with the WAAF. We were worried that Trump getting COVID might help him because of sympathy. It didnā€™t. Then we were worried him recovering and leaving the hospital would help him. It iddnā€™t. Him holding super-spreader rallies isnā€™t going to fucking help him in the polls either. People are dying. Thereā€™s no undecideds left and the polls that dropped today in the midwest indicated that a not insignificant number of his voters from 2016 flipped to Biden. There are events I suppose that could make these polls tighten, but him holding a fucking rally and doing his standard stupid shit isnā€™t one of them.

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Except if true, doctors are not admitting it to their patients who, I would assume, are usually being told that they are getting the best care, rather than that care that might make the difference if done immediately, is being withheld because of money.

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Agreed. It might reinforce support from his strongest supporters, but no one was sitting this one out or voting for Biden because Trump was too sick to continue holding rallies. But thatā€™s what he thinks, that weā€™ve turned to Biden because weā€™re addicted to entertainment and will turn back to Trump now that heā€™s back on the air.

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Iā€™m way more concerned with how Trumpā€™s miracle recovery plays to people on the fence about how serious Covid is than on the results of the election.

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This is Matt Christmanā€™s voice


Every day where he is just repeating his greatest hits is a good day. There is no way that will change anyones vote or increase republican turnout. He needs a Biden scandal and hopefully Biden just keeps taking it easy with only some minor gaffes that nobody cares about. They are also running out of time to make any scandal a talking point. It worked on Hillary because it was already in the news for ages while nothing Biden related has stuck yet.


Yeah obviously nobody is worried about his rallies, itā€™s his recovery. Americans are stupid as fuck. They might have seen him as weak when he went to the hospital now they see him as super strong. Who the fuck knows how these idiots think


Has Team ByeDon communicated anything on the next debate? I would hope they would stand their ground on zooming it if Trumpā€™s medical team isnā€™t going to confirm a negative test result.

My thoughts exactly.

Itā€™s not really being withheld because of money. Thereā€™s rules for normal people. There like 50k doses of this fancy drug he was on, and we get that many cases per day. Could have infinite money and this wouldnā€™t be available to the vast majority of people.

Also itā€™s not being withheld dammit. Doctors arenā€™t sitting on meds they think will work cackling over it

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Itā€™s being rationed based on severity of case, but more to the point, there are exceptions being made based on power and wealth. Trump got it early on in his illness. Would Bezos?

I assume yes.

The 2nd one is canceled, I assume theyā€™ll have the third but thatā€™s not till like 25th.

Pretty sure itā€™s not even being rationed. Pretty sure itā€™s just in a study and like 10 people have gotten it outside of the study.

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