The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

This is just wrong. Not sure what else to say. There isn’t even definitive evidence that this medication works ffs.


I think most people in this country are used to their insurance or the government approving the bare minimum care for a given ailment. But yeah the top 5% are kinda screwed with everyone else with Covid.

The other senator is Rand Paul

Trump is polling at +20

hope that helps

unless we’re getting adolph rupp’s corpse or calipari to run a D senator from Kentucky ain’t happening for awhile

+20? Is that Trump’s best state?

I have heard this isn’t out of the realm of possibility…but not for a while. 2028 Calipari is a possibility.

If we win back majority then Mitch won’t be able to do much anymore.


But they have a D governor. That’s what I don’t get. You got Mitch, Rand and Trump winning by 20. It’s like the KKK having Clayton Bigsby. Makes no sense.

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Our last R governor was just that much of a fucking train wreck that made the race even close. So Matt Bevin went after teachers pensions. Even in rural counties you can’t go after teachers. They showed up to strike one day at the capital…and here is Bevin’s response

Bevin should have rolled to reelection, but he shot himself in the foot one too many times.

Seriously that fucking video. He is blaming teachers for striking a day for kids getting started on drugs and getting sexually abused.

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From the few that I know, being a teacher in America sounds like a nightmare. They’re expected to be experts in 6 different jobs. I get to focus on teaching because social services are (for the most part*) funded well enough to handle the other shit.

Fuck anybody going after them. I’d be more likely to provide a blanket and a drink than take anything from them.

*They can always use more funding but they definitely aren’t the nightmare that is America

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It’s the marshmallow test. Getting all the good medicine and getting choppered to walter reed probably didn’t make his odds of surviving that much higher, and it just made his odds of winning reelection, already pretty limited, much worse.

So basically for the thousandth plus time Trump picked a super stupid line.

It doesn’t give them more representation, no, but he has immense power and has the ability to make things happen for his constituents that, say, Rock Scott can’t do or a freshman Dem senator for that matter. One example, i believe, is that Kentucky is way ahead on hemp production, in part because McConnell’s influence in the senate.
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