The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

Sorry it’s late and I skimmed to the conclusion.

edit: I don’t think Jackson was always a grifter, just that when he saw an opportunity with Trump, he was happy to trade his credibility for the chance to move up. Probably didn’t realize before Trump came around that being the personal doctor to the President would provide such opportunities.

The new guy on the other hand seemed hand picked because he would do whatever Trump wanted, so I assume he took the position with hopes of getting something out of it.

Meh I’ve met so many completely ignorant doctors who couldn’t name the 7 states of Australia. Admittedly all youngish but they really have lacked apparent social, emotional and life skills. Also inept in promoting healthy style ironically. In a five year degree they complete one week of nutrition and lifestyle learning (in Australia and can’t imagine it’s different elsewhere).

And yes as a Lawyer, Judges are sexist, mentally ill ■■■■■■ Majority, in Australia at least, still subscribe to the belief that ‘she was asking for it’ in DV cases and you can’t question that or even roll an eye without them throwing you out.

I want to say one thing: I wear glasses and all my life I’ve always gone to see ophthalmologists in shopping malls and strip malls and they’ve always been decent people so I apologize for casting aspersions on them. I respect them way more than these bootlicking assholes at Walter Reed.

6 states :slight_smile:

Are you sure these guys are ophthalmologists and not optometrists? I’ve seen ophthalmologists offices standing alone in strip malls, but I’ve never once seen an ophthalmologist in a “shopping mall”. I too have been wearing glasses for a very long time and have seen numerous eye doctors. It is surprising that it is something that you’ve seen (apparently) frequently and I’ve never seen once.

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And here I was proud thinking I knew all 7. TIL NT doesn’t count.

Yeah, I’ve had a few beers. But the optometrists still get addressed as “Dr.” right? Like Dr. T. J. Eckelberg.

Yeah, they do get addressed that way. But you’d be hard pressed to find an optometrist with the same type of god complex you find in some doctors. Maybe that’s why you like them better.

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Yeah it’s a bit of a technicality, it functions like a state under normal circumstances. It has its own parliament and has representation in the federal Senate just like a state. The big difference is that the Federal Government can override any law of a Territory at will. This was relevant in the 1990s when the NT legalised euthanasia and this was struck down by Canberra.

Some Territorians want statehood but there are two sides to the argument. The Federal Government provides much more funding there than it takes in from revenue. If the Territory became a state, a bunch of that would need to be locally funded. There are concerns from people outside Darwin, including the large and remote Aboriginal population, about whether Darwin would be willing to fund the rest of the Territory, or whether it would be money for Darwin and to hell with the rest of the state.

Do all of these things apply to the Australian Capital Territory as well?

Do you have any e still available?


WA has to have a similar problem. It’s basically Perth and what I assume is a similar remote Aboriginal population? How do they handle it?

Is Alabana one of the states in 'Straya? If not it should be. Also North & South Hemsworth.

Yeah, any Territory. Laws can’t even be in conflict with federal law, so for example the ACT legalised same-sex marriage in 2013, the Federal Government challenged this in the courts, and the High Court unanimously struck it down as in conflict with federal law (the Marriage Act explicitly defining marriage as between a man and a woman).

The NT has self-government and Senate representation by power of federal law saying it does, it has no constitutional right to these things. The Territory of Norfolk Island (pop. 1,748) used to have self-government as well, but this was revoked by Canberra in 2015.

I probably should have been more specific.

I was curious about what you did mention but I was most interested in whether ACT has it’s own parliament and senators? The latter is more or less the pipe dream we have for DC in USA#1.

I went on a deep dive and found this article that is unintentionally hilarious. Man, there is no other profession that is this neurotic about formal titles aside from British noblemen:

Are you a real doctor?

Since I really don’t know much about the mechanics of a car engine, I decided to take the vehicle to an experienced mechanic. I specifically queried the mechanic about his credentials in automotive maintenance and what training he had completed to ensure he was qualified. I think most of our patients feel the same. Patients are concerned about getting an experienced doctor to ensure that the doctor is qualified to handle their eyecare needs.

An interesting thing about your mechanic is that he gives absolutely zero fucks if you address him as “Steve.” There’s none of this “Are you a REAL mechanic bullshit.”


Military likely has them both beat.

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It followed an eight-month consultation process by the former head of the housing department, Grahame Searle, to map out options for reform. That process started after the WA premier, Colin Barnett, sparked international protests by suggesting that up to 150 of the state’s 274 remote Aboriginal communities may have to close after a loss of federal government funding.

To be fair, these are difficult issues. Many of these communities have fewer than 50 residents and aren’t very functional places. You can imagine the issues in terms of health outcomes, child abuse and so on.

Oh. Yeah, they do. Small unicameral assembly.

So they’ve (i.e. ACT) got the same representation in the senate like every other state? Or is it proportional by population?