The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

Yeah they don’t need to fill an entire courtroom to convince a Trump-appointed judge of some scurrilous GOP legal arguments there, Ace.

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It’s in line with Hillary’s result (88-8).

I mean you’d think the most racist administration in modern history would be polling worse with blacks, but it is what it is.

At the last protest I went to (during impeachment) the most prominent trump supporter was a black guy with a bullhorn screaming about tax cuts and his 401k.

A few posters on here have mentioned that we were worried Trump might come out of this slightly chastened, pretending to be changed a bit and vowing to take covid more seriously. Obviously that’s not in him. But he’d never stared down death before as far as we know. So there was always that wildcard that maybe he’ll have his ghost of Christmas future moment or something.

Had he somehow found it in him to do so - the MSM would be absolutely fawning all over him right now, and I’d bet he’d be making a big resurgence in the polls.

Thank God he is who he is, and that he thinks of even the tiniest bit of pretending to change or have a moment of self-reflection is a huge sign of weakness.


I don’t mean to advance the Trump resigning conspiracy because it’s clearly not true, but what would Pence pardon Trump for anyway? Can you throw out pardons for people preemptively?

If this Shaub dude needs a job, he seems pretty motivated. Self-starter. Other resume buzzwords. Lawyer. Make him AG.


Imagine you’re black and work with all white people in the South or Midwest. Odds are they’re all going to be right-wing. It’s tough day in/day out to hear the conversation abruptly stop when you walk into a room. There’s a strong human instinct incentive to just go along to get along.

I suspect that’s the case with some % of black Trump supporters anyway - either work or their neighborhood or maybe church or something.

It’s got to be abortion.

I know a bunch of latinos who abortion is their #1 issue. I haven’t met any black people who seem to take it as seriously. Anecdotal of course.


Walter Michael Shaub Jr. is an American attorney specializing in government ethics who, from January 9, 2013 to July 19, 2017, was the director of the United States Office of Government Ethics. Wikipedia


This is scary. It means if the hardcore insiders actually have any working plans to actually rig/steal this election - they’re now activated.


Ford did that for Nixon.

A republican on the take saying this doesn’t move the needle for me in the slightest, and if the hardcore insiders actually had working plans how were they not being activated already?

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Ted Cruz fears an election “bloodbath”. His fellow top Republican senator Thom Tillis is talking in terms of a Joe Biden presidency. And even Mitch McConnell, the fiercely loyal Senate majority leader, won’t go near the White House over Donald Trump’s handling of coronavirus protocols.

Individually, they could arguably be seen as off-the-cuff comments from Trump’s allies attempting to rally support for the US president just days ahead of a general election that opinion polls increasingly show him losing.

But collectively, along with pronouncements from several other Republicans appearing to distance themselves from Trump, his administration and its policies, it reflects growing concern inside the Republican party’s top tier that 3 November could be a blowout win for Joe Biden and the Democrats.

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Don’t care about Ed Rollins either.

I’m just making a point about them breaking the glass and pulling out any crazy illegal emergency last-ditch stuff they had.

She shot another woman, who is expected to recover. More details unavailable atm.


So much this. I’m sick of this asymmetric warfare. I don’t understand why “Let the winner of the election replace RBG like you did with Scalia - and we won’t pack the courts” is somehow off-limits.

I guess it terrifies people in Council Bluffs who are basically looking for any excuse to believe the R myth that the left is out of control.


This needs to be the last thing of note Ed Rollins does in his pathetic miserable waste of a fking life. Fk that guy a thousand times over.

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Lincoln Project with some excellent dunks



CNN not pulling any punches. Calling Trump out on his lies and bullshit.