The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

This. If Trump got word after his tantrum that stimulus would be good for him, the dems need to go big here. If he’s now set on it, they could get him to agree to everything they want. It won’t help him much and will hurt the R senators when it gets shot down.

Now that’s a word

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I winced.


The best was the quick switch from “I believe in the sanctity of human life” to “it’s a choice” when switching from abortion to masks. You couldn’t ask for better phrasing


Ds negotiate a deal w/ everything they want with a desperate Trump/Mnuchin, a desperate Trump screams at the Senate to pass it, R Senators tell him to fuck off, profit…


This really is what we’re playing for. This is the story of Trumps life when it comes to deals. He acts like a huge baby the entire time, demonstrates to everyone involved that he’ll be a terrible partner, gets priced accordingly, tries to take his toys and go home, finds out that he can’t refinance, comes back with his tail between his legs and does the already slanted bad counterparty deal -10% because he’s basically telegraphed that he has no choice.

Only this time the deal he’s going to get from Dems will never, ever get passed by the GOP Senate. Particularly with Trump weakened and bleeding out politically. Right this second most of the GOP Senators probably sincerely wish he would just die already.


Although I gotta imagine, if it crosses his mind, Trump is willing to pull Barrett’s nomination if the R Senators don’t approve the bill so maybe he gets there, lol.


The best chance of it getting there is Mitch already having the offer he wants to say yes to prepped and ready for Donald to collapse on him. I assume it will be whatever he thinks the minimum the Dems would take at that moment.

Expect Mitch to open negotiations and then watch the election sail by probably. It’s too late to fix the gap in income people are living through right now before election day anyway.

I think my idea would work. Trump says I need the bill passed before the election, I don’t give a damn about the details. Rubber stamp the House deal TODAY or I will pull ACB’s nomination, which means everything to you and ideologically I don’t give a damn about. Mitch and his colleagues fapping over ACB then either have to cave, or impeach Trump, to get their justice.

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Interesting. So Trump will lose the election and use the stimulus as leverage on his way out. But what kind of tactics will Mitch use against Trump once he’s lost the election?

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needs more love

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Trump is too stupid to think of this. The only thing Trump will do is bitch on Twitter like he always does.

If Trump were to actually threaten doing that, Mitch would just tell him that no one will protect him from charges once he leaves office.


This is the only answer.


No tweets from Trump this AM. Rut roh?

Probably putting in prep work for his Rush guest host appearance this afternoon.

Oh ya I forgot about that lol.

My question is will we see Trump go through all the stages of grief before he dies or are we just getting denial right up until he coughs his lungs out? His version of acceptance would be a sight to see.

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Because all lives matter? At a certain point, political point scoring is good, but so is helping people who desperately need help. Start with the HEROES act, make a few minor concessions to appease Trump, get Trump to embarrass the shit out of the GOP Senate, and crow about how this could have basically been passed months ago but for the reluctance of Trump and the GOP.


So is Trump just going to hack his way through Rush or is it pretaped/edited?