The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

The GOP won’t pass anything resembling the HEROES act though? I’m on board with trying to pass a bill and always have been as long as it actually does take care of everyone. It isn’t possible with the Senate.

I think negotiations start there, but I don’t think a take-it-or-leave-it is smartest. By making some minor concessions to Trump, you can get him invested in it, and then he’ll go on the attack against the GOP Senators who oppose it.


Word on the street yesterday was that he would be taking calls. I would be shocked if that was actually true.

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I guess I see your point but what would you concede? Maybe 500/mo instead of 600/mo?

Lol Donny Dum Dum is pulling ads from states that need them so he can watch on TV in DC.


But the GOP is Trump. If the Senate won’t pass something that Dear Leader demands they pass, one, I highly doubt it, and two, that is just horrible optics right before the election.


The other thing to consider is the Dems are very likely to be able to pass whatever bill they want in 3 months. If they agree to some watered down bill now it will impede that. It may even hurt them electoraly to the point they don’t take the Senate.

That’s too material to concede right away. The move is to get Donny talking about what he’d want in the bill and find something showy and meaningless that he nevertheless likes to add or change.

Counterpoint: 3 months is a long ass time when you’re broke, and even then, they’ll be much hemming and hawing about nuking the filibuster, because the chance of 60 Dem senators is basically 0, and the GOP will obstruct everything. It could take 4-5 months before any bill gets passed.


Yeah I don’t think its too hard to get the GOP into a circular firing squad here. Start with “we passed our bill,” then wind Trump up and get him behind some monster bill, like $3 trillion or whatever, and have him twitter blast all the GOP senators.

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Yes. I think the A+ move is to get Trump invested in an increase in spending relative to the HEROES act so he can pretend the whole thing was his idea, and then put the Senate GOP on blast.


If that’s what we are shooting for Wookie then I am on the same page. I don’t think that results in a 2T+ bill getting passed though.

How in the world are they going to pass a stimmy bill and get ACB confirmed though in 3 weeks with congress mostly not on Capitol Hill and some pozzed? One thing pretending to negotiate on stimulus does is possibly hinder the SC nom.


Yes, this is what I meant by saying the Dems could work this to barely help Trump while hurting Republicans. The Dems need to push for a great package and send the message that they will always work with the other side in order to help their constituents. It needs to be a good enough package that it hurts the Republicans to pass it. Once they balk, Trump attacks them. If they don’t balk, we get a great package passed.

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I would at least expect a tweet hyping his filling in for an AM radio host. If he really does take live calls it could be a real trainwreck.


I wonder how good Rush’s producers are at screening trolls.


Obviously no one itt will do so, but it would be fun to ride train on the phone lines until one of us gets through

Trump will not aggressively attack republicans. He will still spin any sort of stalemate and attack the democrats.

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i remember seeing one clip years ago when a caller was telling rush that if trump fired sessions or sessions resigned he’d lose his vote because there are no real conservatives there and trump doesn’t seem to give a shit about conservatives.

i’m straining to accept the possibility that’s he’s only 99.9% to vote trump rn instead of what i know to be true which is that he’s 100% for trump.

anyway my point is i’m sure all calls will be heavily screened and rehearsed with producers but i still hope richard and sal get through