The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.
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This is one of those areas where polling and votes differ I think, if they did have an anti fracking stance, how many votes do they immediately lose in PA?
(and itā€™s an easy R ad to not only that but residual jobs). Like if a candidate is running on ā€œIā€™m taking away your jobā€ You are definitely voting right? vs something that doesnā€™t change your life at all essentially for the rest in the state.

Thereā€™s a few PA dem candidates who are anti fracking but itā€™s hard to imagine that would fly for a state wide race yet.

Everyone here is smart enough to know Harris is anti fracking if anything and Biden would be running on that if it wasnā€™t for the importance of PA. Thereā€™s just no reason to give them a higher % of winning right now even if the issue isnā€™t a big one.
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youā€™re making things too complicated for the average fox news viewer

This is so good. This guy is growing on me.

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5 thirsty people and counting!


Yes - itā€™s the dems with all the hatred in their hearts


If a Fox viewer can follow what Pete did in the clip posted up thread: saying that Trump is lying when Trump denies anonymously sourced reports that he called service members suckers and losers, because he tweeted some time back that he thought McCain was a loser after McCain didnā€™t do enough to support MAGA/Trump.

Then a Fox viewer can follow: When insurance companies have massive profits while millions of people lack coverage during a pandemic, that is a systemic issue. We must change the system.


Iā€™m not replying to the bot, but if I were replying to the bot, I would tell it that if Trump wants us to believe that the in-person debate next week is fine, he should co-host with Rush in person. Sitting close together. No masks.


When they donā€™t earn our vote in the future they will have been properly warned. Do you f with the Peopleā€™s Party at all

3 hours of megadittoes, mr. president. be sure to use that cough button.

and itā€™s not like rush ever takes many calls on his show, but if there was ever a time to flood the phone lines.

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I agree with you to a point, but I am referring to the texture that manifests from him as a whole package making these statements vs anyone else. Think of how Fox viewers perceive Pete. How we perceive him. How your current perception is fueled by everything that you observed him go through in the primaries and otherwise. That all plays into the textural impact of him saying these vs anyone else.

I could find a number of politicians that fit your description, for example, but Iā€™d immediately start looking at the historical and projected texture of their impact. Each person, including Buttigieg, will have variable impact. Some will be indistinguishable mouthpieces. Iā€™m claiming Pete is distinct from them.

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Yeah I think youā€™re onto something here. And whether fracking actually matters to these places or not is irrelevant.

I grew up in a rural county in PA that had a booming coal mining industry 40 years ago. My grandfather worked for the coal company his entire life, got black lung, and ended up dying of cancer that Iā€™m sure was unrelated. Weā€™ve got a town that has had a raging fire burning underground for like 50 years because someone accidentally lit a vein of coal on fire while burning garbage. The place is covered in giant hills of coal dust. The local creeks run yellow with sulfur. And now, after all of that, the coal thing died out and weā€™re left with deteriorating towns that were built for populations 5x what they are today. There are still some operational mines, but itā€™s nothing like what it used to be and the local economy reflects that. It is 100% clear that those coal jobs are never coming back and the industry just fucking destroyed this otherwise beautiful place.

Nonetheless, in 2016 the place was COVERED in signs that said ā€œTrump Loves Coalā€. The county had been moving towards the GOP since at least the 90ā€™s and I think all of the local officials are now GOP, but had a pretty significant swing to Trump last cycle compared to 2012. Obviously Trump didnā€™t do anything to help the local coal industry, and things are worse than theyā€™ve ever been, but I think thereā€™s some visceral reaction when a candidate says they want to limit an industry that specifically affects low-moderate income rural white communities. Even if the communities know that the industry wonā€™t actually help them in a meaningful way.


The weird things we miss by not seeing his retweets

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If only corporate donors would allow democrats to apply this kind of deep analysis to activating the 100m disaffected voters instead of solely on attracting right leaning types

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Iā€™m pretty fine with having atruparbot as the man on that wall. I donā€™t think we all need to be.

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