The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

The simplest explanation is that Fox News doesn’t mind having center-right politicians on for interviews.

At least half the posters on this forum can dunk on Trump and the GOP harder and better than Pete can. Like the bare minimum expectation that I have a for a politician is that they can call out Trump lies.


How do you know Trump is lying?

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Kind of like fellow Indianian Mike Pence

Is this a big deal? Seems like it could be.

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Could be huge.


All these people that committed crimes but be really freaking out about Trump being down 10+ in the polls.

If Pete decides to do to good things like call out the trump administration on their covid response, that is good and I’ll be happy if that continues

If Pete decides to do bad things like use corporate, right-wing talking points to dismantle Medicare for All, or throw water on free college by concern trolling about the sons of millionaires, or perpetuate the money in politics system by holding wine cave fundraisers with billionaires, it’s a different story.

I doubt that a couple fox clips have undone the damage he did in the primary but I’m listening.

By the way, he’s literally selling something right now. His own personal book. The first link you see on his twitter profile isn’t a call to vote, or a call to activism, it’s a call to buy his book. :clown_face:


Trump is desperate. I can’t help but think the following will enter his tiny brain.

None of my strategies are working. The only thing conservatives care about (both the ones that love me and the ones that hate me) is getting ACB confirmed. I’m withdrawing the nomination and holding it hostage until after the election. That will get out the vote!

If he was to do this, the good guys still win, right?


Can he even withdraw the nomination at this point? And if so I doubt this will work because everyone will think he’ll just go through with it anyway after the election.

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( twitter | raw text )

Gotta disagree. I’m prepared to open a can of worms here, but these things play vastly differently being delivered by Pete than by anyone else.

I see it as the same with comedians who tell similar jokes but get mega laughs. Yeah, it’s the same joke, but they told it better. See jokesters like Amy Schumer, Robin Williams, Carlos Mencia, and of the greatest clown of all still serving out his term.

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Plus if after 4 years of this shit they’ve only just noticed how terrible he is they probably don’t know or dgaf about the members of the SC.

I’m confused. Is COVID-19 highly lethal, or is it something that you shouldn’t let dominate you?


From 2005 to 2008, he served as finance chairman of the Republican National Committee. In 2009, he was convicted in a public corruption and bribery case in New York.

From 2017 to April 2018 he was a deputy finance chairman of the RNC, resigning after The Wall Street Journal reported that he had been a party to a non-disclosure agreement with former Playboy Playmate Shera Bechard, under which he paid $1.6 million for her silence about a sexual affair between them.

The best people

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Time to double down!! No, triple!!!
( twitter | raw text )



So I’ll admit that I only noticed this because I was about to do the same thing, but LOL at the fact that the only link anyone has clicked on in that blurb is the one to see what the playboy model looks like.


If Trump had any sense of politics he would have gone this route from the very start, spun as fair sportsmanship. It looks bipartisan, while at the same time incentivising republican voters. We’re lucky Trump never read Macchiavelli! :face_with_monocle:


I’d agree that since Pete is a vet, that all else being equal he could deliver a zinger at Trump about vets that lands harder than that from a non vet. Solid dunk, like a two hander.

The challenge for Pete(or any center-right politician) is that there are a huge range of dunks that he can’t/won’t even attempt to throw down.

Can Pete do a one handed dunk on Trump’s horrible covid response? Sure, but who couldn’t.

Can he upgrade that one handed jam into a Dr. J windmill dunk by connecting the dots that insurance companies having record profits, while millions of Americans have no coverage during a pandemic is a systemic failure? Nah, because it’s outside of his range.

Pete and other center-right politicians can call out the symptom(Trump), but they can’t call out the systemic issues. He’s invited on Fox News exactly because his range is limited to basic level one and two handed dunks.