The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

This may be the one time I’m rooting for Orange to do his thing in response to turtle’s change of loyalties.


It is a real issue and concern. I can see a lot of people, myself included, taking a deep exhale on Inauguration Day and then tuning out for a week, month, year.


Man if Trump goes out like Roy Cohn… Just rub the irony on my tittiez plz.


I feel like some of the opinion hosts are fed up with trump and he gives them a good way to attack him without directly jeopardizing their jobs.

It will be interesting how much of an impact it has on the Fox News Information bubble though? Will it penetrate the blood - brain barrier of some fox viewers?

Is this an actual quote? It feels important to me. We all know McConnell will break from Trump when they lose hope for presidency. Is this the start?

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who knows. But Fox is on most TVs in public waiting rooms across the midwest and south, so while it won’t sway the die-hards, the people who aren’t constantly tuned in and catch this in their dentist’s office or whatever might be affected.


I assume it’s real, it’s from NBC news. McConnell was always going to turn on Trump the second it became politically expedient. Even chiefsplanet is starting to wish Pence was running instead of Trump. So it seems like turtle has read which way the breeze is blowing.

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You should watch it. It’s a gem. “These things are made by a lot of companies. And that’s a good thing.”

Having dealt with Medicare when taking care of my parents for a decade plus I can tell you this discount card program is not going to have any impact that Trump wants. Medicare and Medicare prescriptions are extremely complicated and convoluted and there is no way to issue a magic card in two weeks to magically clear that up.

Medicare prescriptions is some of the most ridiculous and convoluted legislation this country has ever put forward,

Seniors aren’t going to be dancing unless they can see huge tangible bottom line results, which is literally impossible,

Not to mention the collective competency of American pharmacies required to pull it off simply is non existent.


How long until that changes to OANN?

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McConnell knows politicizing they virus was always stupid but he always felt he had to walk a line where he did not directly alienate trump and what he was doing.

I certainly thing McConnell now believes there are better ways to skin this cat then to just sell your soul to Trump. Right now he is hanging on by his finger nails hoping he can climb back up on top.

I hope someone steps on his hands.


I liked this clip better. Doocy says how do you know Trump’s lying, and Pete just buries him.


I am tentatively asserting that no such thing is likely to happen. OANN is a joke, and the only reason they have any substance at all is because no less than the president of the united states has propped them up. But that station, like Trump, has already reached its bottleneck.

I think the simpler explanation is Pete is increasing viewership. Trump is old news. Somebody smart attacking him is new news.


This really might be it. The profit motive is pretty strong at newscorp. Also pumping him into a landslide loss is definitely bad for viewership.

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That’s it, Buttigieg has got my vote.


I like that in all of the clips Pete refuses to let anyone interrupt him. He just keep talking, without getting rattled.


Fox has it pretty easy, really. When Trump is popular, stan for him as much as you can. When he’s unpopular, blame everything on democrats. Easy game.

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Follow the $$$


But we’ve also grooved a certain level of activism, we have a certain muscle memory for it. That’ll stay, I think.