The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

My guess is that Friday evening to mid Saturday he was in pretty bad shape, on O2, and given this steroid as a result. He probably had a high fever and a blood ox in the mid 80s. Now he’s doing better but they don’t know which way it’ll turn the next couple of days. If he improves he goes home, if not he’s in for a battle.

I’m interested to see the total medical expenses incurred by Donnie, translated to what it means for an average American.

Private helicopter trip to the hospital. Multi-day hospital stay with a dedicated team of 7+ physicians. Full swath of experimental drugs and therapeutics. Etc., etc.

The point is obvious, which is that the degree of treatment required to maximize chances of survival are out of reach for the rest of us.

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He will be discharged tomorrow or within a couple of days until he gets better or dies. These guys only have like two or three strategies in their delay playbook.

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For a 74 year old fat fuck nonetheless.


Conservatives’ inability to interpret “Born in the USA” is absolutely perfect. Its not like the song is full of metaphors and hidden meaning! They are just so relentlessly and consistently stupid, its exhausting.


How many times do these morons need to be told Born in the USA is a protest song before it sinks in?


Similarly, he legitimately might not have the cash to afford his legal bills without grifting donors for the money.

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It’s to explain why Trump refused to go to the ‘Nam

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The Trump base is completely insane.


And the Razzie goes to…

The most surprising part of that whole tweet was learning that Doocy shops at Walmart.

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I laughed a few times at the stuntwomen getting kicked in the groin at the end.

For an uninsured patient? Couple mil easy.


I had no idea, but then I rarely am able to understand song lyrics. It usually takes 50+ takes to learn more than a phrase or two.

This - of course he coughed. The EXIF on the pics is the funny part. They had him sign a blank piece of paper at the desk, then take off his blazer and sign a different blank piece of paper in the conference room 10 minutes later.

The really funny part is them being too stupid to realize pics have timestamps unless you strip them off. It’s like sending someone a threatening word doc with your name in the metadata.

they didn’t announce they’re discharging him tomorrow, they said it’s POSSIBLE he could be discharged tomorrow, just like it’s POSSIBLE I hit the powerball tomorrow


Ain’t nobody got time to listen to verses, chorus is where it’s at.

Song is clearly a patriotic celebration of conservative values and a warning about caravans!