The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

They are probably furiously setting up an icu in the white house so they can “discharge” him and weekend at bernie’s him if things go downhill.

They’re probably also filming more propaganda clips to release in case he’s in too poor of health to film them in the future.

The fact that these things are realistic possibilities is insane.


There’s not really a do stereotype anymore.


They definitely filmed more clips than have been released. That’s not a possibility that’s a certainty. The only things these people ever think about are cheating and optics… this is both.

Letting him out of the hospital at this stage would be nuts. He’s a super-spreader who won’t wear a mask. I’m assuming you don’t test negative for covid after four days. For the sake of the health of those who have to be around him, they need to keep him in the hospital.

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If R senators start dropping, is there a point where Ds control the senate and can start ramming things through Congress? Not that they would do that, they aren’t Rs after all. They could quickly pass the House’s relief bill and dare Trump to veto it, if he’s even physically able to.

Lol at these freaks rallying outside Walter Reed


Even if they got the majority they would have to nuke the filibuster first

Few masks, I presume?

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I mean, they would announce they’re discharging him tomorrow if he was at death’s door? That seems unlikely to me. More likely is they threw the kitchen sink at him, even if it’s long term not great for him, at his request, so he can get better quicker to get back to campaigning.


Does that require a majority or 51 votes?

Yes, I could totally see them discharging him in that situation…

To the morgue


Don’t know

But either way they won’t do it

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70 is below 94 but not in the low 80s.


This was my first thought as well.

However, this band of incompetents never has a plan beyond getting past the immediate. Would it really be surprising if the same people saying a health care plan is coming in two weeks for 4 years just lied about a discharge tomorrow to get through today?


I see no reason to believe them that he’ll be discharged tomorrow. Yesterday they were saying he was doing fine, and today they admit his oxygen was dropping throughout the day into the 80s and he was given oxygen again and a corticosteroid.

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That’s his prerogative as an American with personal freedom and personal responsibility. We each have to take personal responsibility for our safety and make our own decisions. If you don’t like it, move to China.

It’s just like guns, some of us are comfortable owning them, some are not. Some of us are comfortable shooting hundreds of people in schools and malls, some are not. But just because you’re not a mass shooter or a willful super spreader doesn’t mean we can take that FREEDOM away from others.

This is America, libtard. We have a CONSTITUTION.


A friend of mine made almost this identical argument to me just now, except it was not done ironically.


A lot of old white dudes saying the same about Trump I guess lol

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