Woof Blitzer interrupts this coup coverage to call the Georgia race for Ossoff, should this coup fail. Now back to the violence.
going to need some explanations on what happened today and lack of preparation, guessing it will come down to lol white trumpers we didnt think are dangerous, turns out theyre crazy who knew
It seems that the House needs to put an impeachment vote together as soon as they figure out how to do it in a way that keeps the minority from dragging it out. I’m guessing McConnell buried it until it’s moot, but I can’t imagine there are any GOP Congress people who want to vote pro or anti Trump right now. Make em do it
what are the chances they let them camp out there all night? pretty high right?
Seeing this tiktok being spread around. Don’t know the location or timing, can’t say for sure if this is what it claims to be.
lol olds
Nancy has never once even looked at that computer probably
Meanwhile the protesters will claim they just wanted a seat to watch the hearings.
they clearly didnt overwhelm the cops and break down the doors or some shit
I’m hoping once the National Guard shows up they’ll start fucking people up, but they’ll probably just force the terrorists out.
Did the police bust the windows in?
impeach the motherfucker (again)
CNN: he got what he wanted and now he’s trying to put the toothpaste back in the tube.
katie (cevansavenger)
the police opened the fucking gates. https://twitter.com/jihanbit/status/1346909463660396550/video/1
Don’t know why cops get so pissed at people wanting them abolished when they do it on their own.
I mean obviously this won’t happen, but if it did, would they have to swear Pence in for the interim or what? Presumably they would, right?
Treat 'em like the Bonus Army, I say.
(look at the hat)
Is that Brett Favre?