The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

I dont care. I live in reality.


There’s no reason for them to pay Trump a dime. He’s going to demand tens or hundreds of millions of dollars for the use of his name in a conference call pitch (like he was previously doing since he has no actual talent) and these corporate boards are gonna record it and then play it back on infinite repeat as they laugh themselves to death.

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Haven’t seen this posted -

SS agents assigned to Ivanka/Jared aren’t allowed to use the john in Javanka’s house. Forced to rent a $3k/mo studio basement in the neighborhood to take a poo.

Also mentions of Javanka’s SS detail using the Obama’s bathroom, because of course.

Instructed not to use any of the half-dozen bathrooms inside the couple’s house, the Secret Service detail assigned to President Trump’s daughter and son-in-law spent months searching for a reliable restroom to use on the job, according to neighbors and law enforcement officials. After resorting to a porta-potty, as well as bathrooms at the nearby home of former president Barack Obama and the not-so-nearby residence of Vice President Pence, the agents finally found a toilet to call their own.


Yeah wtf are people talking about? It is well known Fox, Rush, and basically ANYONE who talks to Trump legit has to cut him off because he won’t stop talking. Trump could do 6 hour shows if there is no one there to stop him from talking. Three hours would be a breeze.

I do agree it’d probably get stale though because it’d be the same exact shit every week. Rush, Hannity etc talk about current events but Trump can only talk about himself. That would get old even to die hard Trumpers. It’s different going to see him talk at a rally once a year and listening to the same exact shit every week. Plus he won’t be president anymore so there won’t be a ton of new material for him. It’d just be him whining about his legal trouble every week.

If they could get him to whine about the Biden admin he’d be set, but I don’t think he’s capable of talking about stuff that doesn’t involve him.


I don’t mind airlines banning passengers who cause disturbances in the terminal.

I’ve played enough video games to know that you don’t throw the fire extinguisher, you shoot it.


The idea Trump can host a successful show or run a successful media company is just a laughably bad take. Like others have said he is lazy. He also runs everything he touches into the ground. If he has money trouble he will just immediately start campaigning for 2024 and use that to get money. I don’t see any other path he can take and not be completely broke and ruined within a couple years as he is completely radioactive outside of his diehard supporters.

2015-2020 is probably the first time he hasn’t had money trouble in decades. He is going to ride his political career as long as he can because it is all he has left at this point.


going to stop you right here. The show is unlistenable. I defy any adult who is capable of abstract thought to get through 10 minutes of his incoherent polibabble.

Have long argued that the ability to sit through any of his show is the simplest of clinical exams to know if someone is dead inside. No one listens to him. They are just whittling away the hours of their lives while “doing something” that makes them feel smart and not like they wasted their life on bud light and pot all throughout highschool.


Mitch needs to give Trump a choice. Self-Pardon and get convicted in the senate and banned from office.

Or don’t self pardon and he gets acquitted.

Narrator: you idiot. Self pardon and acquitted.

I don’t think Trump is coherent enough to have a talk show with relevant political topics. All of his speeches devolve into him ranting about random grievances that have nothing to do with anyone but himself.

Playing the hits for the base takes like 15 minutes and then he’s left with talking about Sissy Graydon Carter of failing Vanity Fair Magazine. People show up to rallies to virtue signal - they’re not gonna spend hours a day listening to incoherent nonsense even if it’s from their cult leader. People go to church 1x a week for an hour.


I’m so overwhelmed by the BS I can’t even keep up now.


This reminds me of the old XFL. It sounds great to the fans but the product is just so bad it tanks after the first episode.


People want to talk about Trump for 3 hours a day, 5 days a week (or more!). But you’re right, people only listen to him long enough to have something to say about it.

Further details!


Maybe we get a Trump-branded show that is like a greatest hits for Fox News. The most popular MAGA personalities “guest” host but are really the each episode’s actual host. Fee-per-episode to keep costs down, obv (paid out every five years unless the company files for bankruptcy, which it always does every three years).

Every ten minutes the host hypes up that Trump is moments away from joining them. Maybe he does, maybe he doesn’t. That’s part of the suspense. When he doesn’t, the host gets to make up some absurd but MAGA-esque rebellion excuse why Trump was suddenly pulled away moments from taking the mic. Join us tomorrow for an exclusive with Trump to find out how he’s protecting YOUR freedumbs!


Did they do an upper decker? Because that’s horrible but pretty hilarious.

Do you think its people who end up protecting people like the Obama’s are kinda selected to be behave decently or end up behaving decently by protecting the Obamas? And vice versa, do people protecting the Trumps just end up being disgusting pieces of shit because thats who they’re around all the time or is it a self selecting process?




Astronaut: Wait, it’s all shit?

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