The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours


Just to note, telegram has a feature you can turn on that allows you to see nearby friends etc.

The problem is it’s easy to spoof abc then triangulate the precise location of someone.

So if you use telegram please don’t use this feature. They are not going to fix it. Plus it’s not really fixable.

Just weird a software born to provide security and privacy would insist on keeping a friendly feature that allows you to pinpoint someone’s exact location. They lost their own plot.


Which one? I don’t think “man holding confederate flag inside the capital” narrows it down to one person.





At the time of the riots I said here that it was completely irresponsible for any media to be reporting movements and plans of officials in danger. Yet all of them were doing it.

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Fuck Nancy Mace. She is the worst. Wants credit for being the “reasonable Republican,” constantly giving interviews about civility and all that bullshit, then votes against impeachment. Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. The god damn Myrtle Beach congressman had the guts to vote yes and you didn’t you gutless coward disgrace of a human.


Fuck you.

Don’t put all of this on Trump. You were a foot soldier for his policies and said nothing. Fuck off forever.


Eat shit Rosenstein, this is your fault too you scumbag.


The “I was just following orders” excuse does not apply if you work for Donald Trump, Stephen Miller, or other monsters (such as that guy named Adolph).


It would be like the MAGA version of Matt Damon getting bumped from Kimmel.

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I don’t understand what the hurry is for the senate trial. Why can’t they let Biden confirm his picks and concentrate on the pandemic and economy for 100 days before commencing the impeachment trial. Is there some time limit? Is it for optics (they want to do it before everyone forgets)?

Senate rules require that they prioritize dealing with impeachment, which is sensible.

If not for that Trumps first impeachment would still be pending.

Its a shit situation because a real trial with witnesses and testimony is needed to make Republicans pay a bigger political price for this and for not voting to convict but relief and covid are infinitely more important.

My guess is if they rush a trial mitch and company vote no stating rushed impeachment etc. Because without a serious trial the political price would ve minimal. If they did a long trial making a great case for how responsible trump really is a lot would vote to impeach

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tenor (15)

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Yeah I get you don’t like it. Hell I don’t like it but it’s entertaining to the audience it’s after just like Blues Clues (is that still on?) is entertaining to 3 year olds. People like different shit. But one universal truth is no one likes listening to a boorish oaf whining about the same subject (himself) over and over. No matter how fucking racist, sexist or any other ist he throws in with the woe is me narrative.

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Wrong. Half the country has been energised by him.

If you don’t understand this simple point you have absolutely no hope whatsoever.