The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

He’ll read some prepared monologue each day and have some deplorable guest on to relitigate the 2020 election. There’s no shortage of deplorables that would appear on the show.


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The trumptards are not watching Fox w out their supreme leader. If they don’t watch Fox, who does?

But they wouldn’t get a word in. They don’t at his rallies. He ain’t giving them the mike for more than a few seconds. Look you may be right but every suggestion put forward so far has left me ‘fuck that boring shit’. Yeah I know I’m not his audience but still.

His ideal platform would be something like Joe Rogan, a host totally disinterested in pressing him on facts that is also already warm to the core tenets of toxic masculinity and that is totally comfortable writing off any criticism with hollow “just asking questions, not endorsing any POV” excuses.


Never going to catch up but the police killer is clearly Bruce Willis.

I doubt it? Afaik the show’s distribution is controlled by a subsidiary of iHeartRadio. I’m not sure how much of an ownership stake Rush has now (a lot, I think?) or what happens to it when he dies, but I can’t imagine the new owners would be like “Let’s give this toxic asshole a ton of money for the rights to his name and slap it on the #1 tAlK sHoW iN aMeRiCa!” Seems like they’d just rename it the Rush Limbaugh Show hosted by Glenn Beck or something.

That’s what I mean, they gotta keep the Rush brand somewhere in the name.

My guess is that the Delta no fly list is not the same thing as the Federal no fly list. It’s basically just a company telling someone to take their business elsewhere. The right totally supports that (until if affects them).


Oh I thought you meant they’d rebrand Rush’s show as the TRUMP show. Yeah I imagine it retains the Rush Limbaugh name in some form. Also, maybe we should look into having a white supremacist hate show as the widely-syndicated #1 show in America as one of they key drivers of, uh, white supremacists attempting a violent overthrow of the U.S. government.

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Trumps rallies are 10% scripted…until their not

I understand how this could set a bad precedent, but when it comes to air travel specifically I think it is absolutely ok. Airlines don’t want drama in their planes at 30,000 feet. People who verbally or physically assault others on the ground are definitely more likely to do so in the air as well, where it’s a bit more difficult to extract them from the situation.

That being said, I also fully support (verbally) attacking Graham and company for being traitorous pieces of shit.

So this means the cop who died was the one that got dragged out and beaten as we thought, correct?




The rallies are not entertaining and most people stand there bored as hell most of the time he’s talking. Haven’t you seen any of it?

That show only works traveling for Trumpheads and locals who only see it when it comes through town. Not on TV every day.

And it’s what he does If he’s not in prison or exile. That or reality TV if someone let’s him.

The question is, do Hannity, Tucker et al stick with him and “the election was stolen” for 4 years, because that is email-Benghazi-possible.


Supposedly not him either. I think they said he felt ok for a while, then went to the hospital afterwards.

The Don and Rush Show?

110%. Maybe for 40 years. They make a living feeding grievance narratives to people that are literally addicted to the emotional surge that comes with righteous indignation.


They would say the exact same about us

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And with that, millions of GOP voters, enough to win GOP primaries, will think he’s owed the presidency in 2024 as much as Merrick Garland is owed a SCOTUS seat.