The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

My hot take. Trump does some guest hosting for Rush and then takes over when Rush kicks the bucket.


the portrait of doriand trump

some demon approached him like, “you’ll never age, and you’ll be the most famous man in the world. everyone will talk about you every day for years and will discuss your deeds long after you’re dead. in return–”
trump: “deal!”


Fake news. Those are the additional 11,780 votes for trump that the GA SOS found.

I don’t care how racist and angry and enthralled with Trump you are, there is no one who wants to listen to Trump for 3 hrs a day, 5 days a week. No one. He can only give one rally speech at each rally.


Yeah I mean twitter or something like it is his ideal medium. Agree with whoever said he’ll be back on twitter before too long, though. May at the latest.

he might do a show or two, but he has no discipline to be rush

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I’m trying to work up the outrage. Trying… Trying… Meh, I can’t. Oh well.


Probably it is, but if you want people to not be dicks in public places there needs to be consequences for being dicks in public places. Would be nice if there was a way they could get off of a no fly list though…

Trump aged all of us instead.

Dammit ponied

footage of a young donald trump


Rush is still whining about Obama and the Clintons on a daily basis. Trump has whined incessantly about the same shit for 4 years at his rallies and still packed them. I think a Trump radio show would do fine.

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Trump is Dorian Gray and all of us are the picture in the attic


I am outraged…that they are not rewarding people who bother Lindsey Graham with free upgrades.

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People at his rallies are already visibly bored. He just says the same shit over and over. Without the novelty of seeing him live in person, no one besides the hardcore chuds are tuning in every day to hear Trump.

Twitter unbanning his account is a bit of a hot take right? I mean he’s just going to do the same stuff, whine about stolen election, rile up his rubes to attempt sedition/assassinations again. Why would Twitter sign back up for that?


A Trump radio show would just have his name on it and be hosted by some D-list Nazi radio personality. He’d call in occasionally to rant.


He can do three hours of “Trump reads and reacts to Twitter”. Since his account was banned, he can verbally respond to and “retweet” stuff.

The will be what happens to the Rush show when he dies, right?