The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

All this list tells me

8 years of ice cream


Honestly I don’t know about that. His rallies are entertaining. People fucking love them, and him. Remember his 2016 primary rallies, he would just go up there with the newspaper and literally read it and talk about it. That could be his show. And this is the guy who ran for, and won, the presidency simply because Obama made fun of him once to his face. He’s not going away.


Off course he didn’t.

How much you want to bet that Trump won’t be convicted of anything related to the Capitol riot?

There is a huge difference between reading a few lines on a TV script and free riffing for three hours the way Rush and Hannity do. I hate these people but they do have a rare talent for what they do.


How much air time did Trump get on the show? 5 min a night? Most of it was sitting at a table while everyone else talked and then saying “You’re fired!”

I obviously don’t watch his rallies but my take from the obviously fake news that I do consume is that his rallies are poor and just incessant whining now.

Yes it’s impressive he still gets large crowds but outside of that whose buying his shit anymore and more importantly as far as setting up some media empire who the fuck is entertained by it anymore.

I mean, aren’t trump’s rallies basically giant free-riffs? They seem minimally scripted.

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The rallies are popular as a kind of cultural signifier. Stupid lonely white racists get a sense of community and belonging from them, but they’re not showing up because Trump is actually entertaining them. The crowd inevitably is bored as hell as he whines endlessly, and starts streaming out within like 30 mins. They show up to have other people to be mad and racist with, not to actually listen to anything Florida Man has to say.


I voted yes, but I’d lie about watching it. Haven’t seen the Toobin one though.

they better inventory the silverware!

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Trump’s act is getting pretty stale even for his supporters. Getting banned from Twitter may be a good thing for him though, if he can use it as an excuse to do a live speaking tour. The rubes may want to hear from their God live and in person if they can’t hear from him any other way. They might be bored and disappointed but by then they’ve already forked over some money to Trump who can then just use the same speech the next night in a different city.


It’s almost as if anyone with a semblance of reality was warning about this 5 years ago, but muh racisms and muh tax cuts were too fucking important.


Um no. He’s the only thing on msnbc and cnn. 4K dieing a day and it’s still TRUP TRUM TUP. Turn your tv on mate. He’s like herpes, he’s never going away.

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trump aged like zero days in office, completely unlike every other president ever. i mean they all wore less makeup than him but still

i bet the next 4 years are going to age him considerably tho

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This is definitely not true, just watch a 2015 vs 2020 video of him speaking. His brain degraded alot.


john gotti: your honor, i never said the word “kill”, did i?

federal prosecutor: fuck. he’s got us

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I’m fine with airlines banning domestic terrorists who invaded the Capitol, but this seems really, really bad.


He didn’t age he aged the whole country instead. People with NPD are fucking impervious dude.

I have seen them get up the next day and pretend like nothing happened after being told the most brutal shit I have ever said to anyone. They simply do not absorb it.

I have a theory that one of the reasons that they have so little empathy about the harm that their emotional abuse does is that they don’t experience it (emotional trauma) the same way and have no frame of reference.