The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

Exactly. Trump is a loser. All he had to do was tone it down 20% and he’s reelected and Mitch is still Senate Majority Leader. He couldn’t even do that. They are done with him.

The only way the GOP can actually “be done with him” is finding 17 Senators to permaban him. They have absolutely zero ability to turn their base against him. None.



FWIW, I don’t think he’s going to face charges for the Capitol insurrection. I’m just saying it’s possible.

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Yeah not this. If he has serious money issues and I believe he does how much can/are the clowns that follow him going to continually fork out. Yes I know a lot of them have money and economic anxiety is horse shit but these rubes surely can’t buy enough hats and towels and mugs to keep Trump in the style he thinks he is entitled too.

Serious money is surely going to stop.


I mean rush makes like 50 million a year, right? There’s no way he doesn’t make tens of millions a year on a new media venture.

Lol. Cult leaders get wealthy off their followers, and he’s the leader of one of the largest cults in the history of the world. I mean, it’s not major religion big, but it’s up there.


Deutsche getting to garnish his wages would be nice. :slight_smile:


No one is expecting the base to turn on Trump. But he needs a way to reach his base on a daily basis. Dude has been practically MIA the past week. He could have had a press conference at any time and hasn’t done one. Once he’s no longer president, the media won’t be airing his grievances like they did in the past.

Rush works hard I assume. LOL at Donny doing a thing other than whine.


I mean, if Trump were to host a radio show that would literally be his job.

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Rush actually shows up and talks for 3 hours a day. Zero chance Trump does that. He’s not setting up a network either, it requires money, actual work and distribution. He will just do small dollar cons like he always has.

By the way, his one actually valuable asset is a 20% stake in office buildings he doesn’t control. Would you want to invest in office towers right now? Not to mention, how many major tenants are going to sign leases in those buildings now?


Are you guys under the assumption that Trump is going to be permanently banned from social media? He’s going to be back in a month. Bongino and Levin are going to be back to talking about the stolen election in a month too.

These tech and media companies didn’t suddenly grow a conscience, they’re not giving up that money forever.


Rush is entertaining because he puts in the work. As Riverman says no way Trump is doing that shit and his everyday whining for 3 hours would get old really quickly.

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I mean, Trump literally came to power in large part becuase of the success of “The Apprentice” so saying he won’t put in the work to do some kind of show seems like a bad take to me.

Like Riverman said, Rush talks 3 hrs a day. And I doubt Rush shows up 5 min prior and leaves 5 min later. He probably works 10-12 hrs a day. A lot more goes into a program than just filling up air time. Trump ain’t got time for that. There are horror stories of him on The Apprentice. And that was before he turned into Gollum.

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There is indeed such a way sir. He’s not building his own network and there’s plenty of timelines where Fox doesn’t give him oxygen.

Based on this alone, y’all should bet the farm on Trump ending up in jail.

Did he actually do any real work on that show?

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