The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

Don’t be stupid. He doesn’t need to be tied to explicit instructions to get tied to the plot.

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I see so much easy money. Short Nikki and Pence, take a flyer on Tucker.


Eu Goodman is seriously lazy writing, why not just name hime Hero Protagonist?


Trump has always been the useful idiot for the GOP leadership. They hate him more than we do. They wanted him gone in 2015. As soon as it politically viable to do so, they will gut him like a fish. If they could have suffered zero repercussions politically, he would have been removed after the 1st impeachment.

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Oh how I wish this were true. Donald Trump is literally the most famous human being in America. This will not change in the next week or two.

So? He’s been shunned and banned by the one thing 99% of Americans are addicted to. As long as he’s not allowed back on social media, he’ll be old news in a few months. The GOP is gonna concentrate their rage on Biden and deplorable America will follow.

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I’m not a lawbro, but nothing in that speech seemed like it would put him in any legal jeopardy.

I go back and forth on Trump’s future. I truly can see it going either way.

There is a lot to suggest he’s not going away. He is absolutely incapable of shutting up. He’s going to keep telling the big lie. While it is easy to imagine the mainstream media ignoring him, is it really so hard to picture him up on the debate stage in 2024 relentlessly dunking on Little Marco and company again? Is Fox really going to deny him their audience? He doesn’t need corporate money, he has tens of millions of idiots who will happily fund him in perpetuity.

That said, he has a LOT of legal trouble, even assuming he isn’t convicted and permabanned from office. I don’t know how the jurisdiction works and whether he can avoid it by simply never going back to NY, but he is in big trouble there. Tax crimes, charity fraud, bank fraud, who knows what else. Then you’ve got the crimes interfering in Georgia, anything related to the Capitol mob and god knows how many Federal crimes once proper investigations are conducted. No reputable lawyer will defend him and he is his own worst enemy in litigation against competent opponents. Also, his businesses are in huge trouble now and he has real money problems.

For Democrats, structural reform is essential. If the GOP ever has both houses plus the Presidency again, that’s the ballgame for America. The idea that they are going to have some kind of reckoning and run adults when their actual voters are all in for fascism is a beltway fantasy.


To be criminally liable he’d have to take explicit action to aid the plot, right?

For incitement, maybe not. For conspiracy, maybe. Besides, one speech isn’t the only thing he did.

I disagree with the premise that Donald Trump will be “old news” and out of the media spotlight in a few months, but I guess we shall see! I certainly hope you are right.


The Republican split on this is not a moderate/conservative split. It is an evil/crazy split. Plenty of evil lawful republicans recognize that getting rid of Trump is in their best interests. It’s why we’re attracting super-conservative repubs like Cheney. I’m not shocked by this.


Even your arguments against him staying involved in politics can easily be flipped the other way. Money trouble? He can make 50 million a year or more with his new media network.

Yeah… when the amount of pie you get is linked to the demand for your services and they’ve gone out and engineered a glut in supply for your services through a combination of automation and globalization the pie growing isn’t going to matter to you at all. Just because there’s more pie doesn’t mean that you’re automatically going to get more of it. That would only happen if your labor was what decided if pie was going to get created or not.

We have to give everyone a fixed cut of the pie to start with. That will take the pressure to work or die off of them and give them more leverage which will in turn fix the problem of labor not having any leverage in negotiations.

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Yeah, CNN and shit are not going to cover him beyond like criminal investigations. He was a ratings machine in 2016, but everyone is numb to him saying crazy stuff now. It’s not newsworthy.

He will obviously be a hero figure to the Qanon crowd forever but it’s proven now that Trump does not have a winning coalition, so there will not be any institutional forces interested in propping him up.

The GOP has absolutely zero reason to continue moving forward with Trump beyond fearing for personal safety. He just lost all three branches with the GOP in lockstep and while having the ability to massively cheat in ways he won’t be able to outside of office in 2024.

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The speech alone is definitely not enough to charge Trump with anything. The speech coupled with any discretionary decisions he made while the raid on the Capitol was on going that he used to intentionally prevent it from getting under control? Now your’e getting closer. The speech just serves as evidence of his criminal intent in the discretionary decisions he might have made after the fact.


Today I learned GOT was a documentary.


Lol, Ted Lieu GOAT.

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Nah, I think evidence that he explicitly ordered National Guard, whatever not to interfere in the Capitol insurrection while it was ongoing coupled with his speech beforehand would do it.

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Holy fuck that quote is real.