The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

I did. If the GOP turns on Trump they sure as fuck can’t let him walk around talking to everyone. They need him on their side, dead, or in prison. Those are the only viable options from the perspective of the eGOP.

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I don’t know. I assume that the most likely scenario is that Trump retires to his ranch and paints or whatnot. I imagine he’d like a retreat from public life at this point.

The speech Trump made isn’t anywhere near the line for speech not protected by the first amendment, according to any law guy I’ve seen opining about it. So unless prosecutors want the case dismissed since it’s protected speech, seems extremely ill advised to charge Trump only to let him claim TOTAL AND COMPLETE EXONERATION when a federal court dismisses the charges. It would only help Trump.

Why does anyone care if he claims “TOTAL AND COMPLETE EXONERATION”?? He does that either way.

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I don’t think he would be charged just on the basis of the speech on the morning of the 6th. I would assume they will eventually be able to tie a lot of info and activities together that add up to the complete story.

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Why would anyone want him charged on something that will be summarily dismissed?

No fucking way. That guy will never ever retreat from public life. He doesn’t have the self control to abide by the terms of anything he might agree to. He’s the perfect example of a guy there’s only one solution to. It’s an Old Yeller situation if there ever were one for the eGOP.

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I would assume that the people who would be charging him on that wouldn’t think that?

He’s broke, banned from twitter, and in bad health. The GOP can very safely ignore him when he’s out of office.

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Once he’s out of office the media will start covering him again because he gets ratings. At least half of the base still reveres him. He’s going to have influence and be a huge problem until he is physically unable to speak.


I was being ironical, thinking about the difference between Trump and W.

I basically agree with you.

The media has already moved on. He’s a stale meme. Maybe Fox lets him be a guest analyst or something.

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Possible pony but what’s one more for the herd


He’s not a stale meme on the other side no matter how much you might want it to be true. His base is still very much willing to lay down in traffic for him, and exists in numbers large enough that under current rules can’t be beaten in a GOP primary.

Not only is he not retreating from public life or getting ignored, but if nothing at all is done to prevent it he’s running again in 2024. If he leaves office then gets to walk around talking to people the political careers of every Republican who he feels has wronged him (which is quite a few of them) are in a ton of peril. Like this is your last term probably in peril.

The reason why he’s getting got is that he’s a clear and present danger to a bunch of powerful people and he’s going to be insanely vulnerable to legal attacks as of 1/20/2021. That’s the only way to stop him, and if they charge him and let him out on bail he’s running to a foreign country.

Post coup he’s either in exile or in prison from now on by the end of 2021 like 100% of the time. You have your supporters storm the capitol and it doesn’t work you really are truly fucked.

This is almost the exact same situation in a different context and their decision is super super obvious too:


Like he explicitly helped plot the capitol invasion? Sure, that would do it. Seems dubious though.

“OK, Q Shaman, we need you to go hunt for Pelosi. Get her gavel. By the way, that whole outfit, just terrific. You’re doing a great job. All right, you, make sure you grab Pelosi’s podium. We need that podium. Mr. Alaska? Where’s Alaska. OK, here’s where Nancy’s office is. Make sure you rub your balls on her desk. No, not her executive assistant’s desk, her actual desk. Jesus, OK, can someone else go with Alaska to make sure he doesn’t fuck it up? Nick? Great, thank you Nick.”


It’s weird how people who say this are never on board with giving the “growth” in the pie to the working class. Elon made like 100B this year. The pie is always growing. It is never being equitably distributed.


This is fantasy. Everyone is abandoning him right now. All his allies and corporate donors are walking away. The MSM won’t even cover his speeches, twitter has banned him. Guys like awval are going to start pretending they never liked him. All he has is a core of idiots on gab who aren’t useful for anything other than getting arrested. Hilariously, he managed to convince a bunch of his followers that voting is a waste of time because it’s all rigged.

Trump is going to be spending the rest of his life mired in Deutschbank lawsuits. God knows how healthy he’ll be in four years. Maybe Ivanka or Jr picks up the crown, but his run is over.

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I’d like everyone to take a second and really digest this list and then realize how truly fucked we are.