Not that they’ll do this because LOL Dems, but with Control of the senate next week, can Schumer call Trump to testify on the impeachment trial?
I could have taken Kevin Cramer outside had I realized it was him. I mean, I would have if I had realized it was him at the time. I was high af doing dabs for my first time and he was acting like a bad ass at happy hour. I’d take an assault to have punched Kevin Cramer.
Posted this on FB and the haters are hating. Troll level = 1000
Hes a center right guy hoping they move to the center right rather than the left. At least its transparent.
Why dont they have cameras all over that building. They should not even need visitor logs and stuff.
Seriously, good luck finding Harry A Nuse
Seriously just make this guy Chief now. At least you know which side he’s on.
well named
Trump give him the medal of freedom in two weeks.
lol - maybe Trump is now blaming Giuliani for everything.
He could be eaten at any moment by his mustache.
He’s lived a charmed life.
They should give him organic food and soap but he has to bathe with the former and eat the latter.
Seriously. Every single call for unity from the right should be met with “What about RBG and Merrick Garland?” End of conversation.
I’m not sure of the exact title of the statute, but impersonation of a plumber without a license.
Slacks evasion?
IDK, but check his DNA against the, uh, residue.