The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

To be fair, all Trump did was basically work from the same right wing talking points that have been popular since 2008 (or 1994 or 1950). He wasn’t even original, he just edited the script a bit. That’s ok right, if Tucker and Rush and Glen can say it, why can’t he? After all, he’s the host of the “Donald Trump Presidency Show.”


If there were people wearing a “6 million jews wasn’t enough” sweater at a BLM rally they would have gotten the shit deservedly beaten out of them.


Either that or he’s planning something big. Let’s see if we make it through the next week w/o any chaos.




I don’t care if I’m ponied. I’d like to report a murder.


Fucking toddlers. Let’s see if they set up gofundmes and keep dodging them.

Need permission for cops to block them from entering. But then they’ll make sure someone films and squeal like a pig - which will make a good news cycle. Still - do it.

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The fines are nice and all, but wouldn’t any of us, packing heat and trying to evade a checkpoint be slammed to the ground and arrested? I’d prefer that for these clowns.


It was hard to conceive of something so stupid, to be fair to us.


Let’s say you’re with some military buddies from your squad at a bar and one of your mates pulls out a coin based on a skydiving achievement as a challenge to some other military random at the bar. The random then tries to match it by pulling out a Pelosi coin lol.

Does that random get:

A) laughed at and forced to buy the next round anyway
B) treated like he/she put down any other coin
C) beat up and robbed


Will probably depend on what happens in the next week lol. They didn’t choose to be there though.

Your pony is a dirty, dirty girl.


So you always have to carry around every challenge coin you ever earned? Or do they not have to match the one initially pulled out?

Also when does the jerking off come in? I was told there would be jerking off.

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I think my friend has a couple. One from guarding Bush in coordination with secret service when he came to town. He never carries them. We don’t really hang out with a bunch of military people ever though. He might if they all get together.



As part of an expansive, multiyear deal with Apple, the Emmy-drenched former writer, producer and host of The Daily Show is set to front an all-new current affairs series for the streaming service. The show, which will run for multiple seasons, puts Stewart back in the anchor’s chair as he explores a host of topics at the center of both the national conversation and his own advocacy work.

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So there’s one long-standing political norm that Trump managed (so far) not to destroy and that’s the rejection of violence as a tool to achieve political ends.

I unequivocally condemn the violence that we saw last week. Violence and vandalism have absolutely no place in our country. And no place in our movement.

This is boilerplate and obviously insincere, but at least he knows that he’s supposed to say things like this.

But my fear is that we may enter a period of a simmering MAGA Militia insurgency, and there will be a rise of terror attacks as the hardcore deplorables try to undo the election that they will always see as stolen and “take their country back”.

And if that happens, I fear that the non-violence norm will also crumble. Gradually we’ll start to see public figures including lawmakers asking questions like “Do we really need to reject violence in all cases? I’m sure glad the Founding Fathers didn’t feel that way.” etc.

In other words, it will no longer be disqualifying to excuse and apologize, if not openly advocate for, revolutionary violence (so long as it comes from the right). “They’re angry, they feel the Biden presidency is illegitimate, they feel like they’re patriots and they believe very strongly in their cause.”

Maybe Tucker Carlson and Jim Jordan will be talking like this while OAN and Newsmax will just openly advocate for the MAGA Freedom Fighters. WAAF




Me either. I was literally crying from laughing so hard