The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

Obviously he’s an irredeemable scumbag that destroyed America, but for just this one time he didn’t do the literal worst most dangerous thing, so I guess I’ll golf clap.

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shocked, shocked, that the lady who tweeted out pelosi’s location and it’s 1776 during it might’ve been in on it


That’s not a thin blue line, that’s a Baja Blast line


Dude is 100% cucked


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You mean the “video” of “protestors”? Wake up, sheeple!

What will happen to that Q Congresswoman who aided and abetted the insurrectionists with inside knowledge of the Capitol the day before the violent insurrection? (Probably nothing)

Okay, what could happen?

  • Charged with sedition
  • Expelled from Congress
  • Voted into GOP leadership

Thanks for nothing, fuckers!

(600 new posts today!)


I’m curious what General Cuckleberry Flynn has been up to this past week.


The root of the entire conflict we are seeing is a single lie: That Donald Trump won the election.

That’s it. That’s everything.

And until this lie has been repudiated, there can be no progress, no healing, no unity.

What is different today is that at no point in living memory has the defeated president of the United States, along with the majority of his party, proclaimed that a national election was fraudulent and that the incoming president is illegitimate. In all prior instances, they did exactly the opposite: They testified to the legitimacy of the new government in an effort to tamp down the conspiratorial falsehoods which always exist in small numbers.

Today, the president and his party are the wellspring of these falsehoods.

And here is the point which you must understand:

Nothing can get better in American politics until this lie is repudiated by the main body of the Republican party in the public square, with enough force and repetition that the majority of Republican voters cease to believe it.

Even if armed insurrection is not a weekly occurrence, a government cannot function when a third of the citizens believe it is literally, not rhetorically, illegitimate. It is not be possible to legislate or build consensus or even enforce the laws when you begin with a substantial minority who literally believe that the government is the product of a coup.

What the Republican party has done over the last two months is akin to having dropped polonium into America’s political groundwater.

And the radiation from their lie has poisoned everything.


Absolutely nothing

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LMAO, why not ask the veteran what the challenge coin thing is? Literally no one in this thread actually got it right.

Here’s the deal. High ranking officers and special units have a challenge coin made. Maybe for a specific operation. I have a couple, one from the Wings of Blue, the USAFA skydiving team. One from my unit at Wright Patt. One from Chuck Yeager.

It’s called a challenge coin, because when you’re at the bar with your mates/comrades/unit/whatever, and someone pulls theirs out and puts it on the bar, if you don’t have one, you gotta buy the next round (you failed the challenge).

That’s it. That’s the challenge.

Yeah, the ones posted are deplorable, but that’s rare…it’s mostly just to say you’ve been noticed by someone big, or been a part of a certain unit.


Pelosi sucks. That coin stunt is so cringeworthy. Retire.


Thanks Georgia.


And it’s going to be some bullshit about Hunter’s laptop, guaranteed.


So is the McConnell plan to delay the impeachment until after the inauguration while Trump does his ‘I learned my lesson’ act so Republicans will say let bygones be bygones?


The thought of gleefully pounding down a Pelosi coin you earned for being in the military and not showing up for an actual coup for a coors light is so fucking American. I dare you to name any more American thing.


Did he become president tonight?


I estimate the primary benefit will be to chew up Biden’s first 100 days. Even in the minority, Mitch will be able to stretch things out. Then when vote time comes, he and his caucus will just vote based on the current winds. Easy game.


Mmmmm I dunno, I feel like I got the essence.