The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours


I took it as giving out the most identifying info she could. She said he was well-disguised but we could tell it’s a male about 5’4”. Seems standard for info given out about a suspect. Not sure why she’d lose you for that.

Also, yes, this is how far behind I am. I’ve been trying to catch up for the last week since this happened and I’m constantly 1500-2000 posts behind.


Congress determines the qualifications of its members, so I would guess that Congress can just refuse to seat someone based on a determination that they engaged in insurrection. No need for anyone to be convicted of anything.

I’d put him behind soundproof glass at the Smithsonian like an indoor zoo exhibit. Bomb him with Nickelodeon slime at random times so the school kids point and laugh their heads off.


Wait until you find out whether that tweet is fake… :eyes:

Welcome back and good luck!


I’ve only listen to a little of this for sanity’s sake but how many of the repugnants are calling trumps traitors anarchist?

Very few.

Most of them are calling them Antifa.

I see Thomas Robertson is a fan of Jack’s speech from A Few Good Men.

I have neither the time or the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it. I’d rather you just say ‘thank you’ and go on your way.


Conservatives love making movie villains their heroes.



Just caught the one guy saying it and thought that might be the talking point they were going with since it makes sense anarchist would try and instal a king.

I hope it’s simple majority in the house. What fucking cowards Republicans are! Also, what’s with all the no votes? I don’t get this!

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Nobody wants you or your type in the military. Nobody wants you or your type in law enforcement. Enjoy your time in jail and, in the not too distant future, on the unemployment line.

I have a nephew who’s always been pretty meh on most foods that kids love, but he’ll absolutely destroy a salad bar. He might be half goat.

I love grilled any grilled veggies, but it’s pretty tough for me to wolf down raw veggies or a pound of steamed broccoli, so I alternate between a fruit and veggie smoothie every monring. Best way to get your fill and tastes soooo good!

Collect your winnings.

uh, we all lost LOL it’s 229-232 somewhere

Bastard never loses.


Either way, bastard! wins and I need to get paid.

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What was the background for that clip?