The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

Mitch will do whatever he thinks is best for him and the GOP. I can think of good arguments for both votes based on my superficial understanding of his interests, but he has 100x more information than we do.

I regret that I didn’t post my “I don’t buy this shit” take two days ago cuz I didn’t want to rain on people’s parade. At least I voted though (218-238 House, 50-59 Senate), so I’m on record. The political calculus was never there for them. Also, a large majority of GOP Congresspeople are in the cult. People make the mistake of saying “these people know better, their shameful cynicism, blah blah blah.” No, they don’t know better. They’re actually incredibly stupid and believe the nonsensical lies they spew.

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This is the problem with conspiracies and 4d chess ascriptions. They are just monkeys flinging poo and people draw targets around wherever it lands.

As some historian said of Nixon’s crew, “These were not smart people and things go out of hand.”

I’m kinda sad that Tulsi isn’t still there to vote ‘present’


Can someone explain what’s going on? Are they gonna lose the resolution to impeach?!

It’s currently the second reply to that tweet. That battering ram isn’t nearly as impressive as Grond, the one Sauron’s orcs used.

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No. He’s impeached.

(edit: 232-197)

No, and they’ve got at least 10 republicans who signed on (4 repubs left to vote as of this writing).

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Who is the one Dem NV?


What do I win?

Final vote 232-197, 10 republicans voted aye.

It was a technical error. All dems voted aye.

Glad to hear he’s now the first president to ever have been impeached twice. Deservedly so. But it’s disgusting how many Republican nays there were. Not sure there’s any chance for conviction in the senate. If McConnell gets on board maybe. I suppose it’ll depend on how many corporate donors he thinks they’ll lose. I think people need to start tweeting at these companies?

Cori Bush calling him the White Supremacist-in-chief.



House republicans are considerably more Trumpy than Senate Republicans and we still scooped 10 of them. There’s still a chance of conviction.

I mean… Out of a sample size of 4… But ok, I’ll take it.


I wish I could feel proud to be in the 11% that was cynically correct, but I’m just dismayed by the 76% of you who thought it was going to be anything other than a narrow victory. Y’all have been paying hyper close attention to all the shit that’s been going on for years and you’re still delusional about the way things really are. This pathological need for optimism is a clear failing in human nature.