The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

lol I’m sure the troops are thrilled at getting a Nancy Pelosi challenge coin.


“Fort Jah” is by far the least offensive part of this coin. By far!

Good god the challenge coin thing is even worse than I could have ever imagined


trump trying to do the almost impossible and leave office at his lowest rating of the whole term.

Yes they deserve at least as good as my college dorm. But probably better. We always said we got prisoner food or maybe one notch above.

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Ok we have our absolute baseline - 40% of the fucking country. So depressing.

They will be found all over DC in the fountains.

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You’ve clearly never been in jail. They literally design the food to have no taste, but yeah… They have to serve reasonably healthy food and I think there are laws in some states that have to honor a religious diet

Yea I’ve been in jail before, and the food is barely edible. But I think there’s some line to be drawn here at what is a reasonable demand and what isn’t. There isn’t even an official worldwide definition of what constitutes “organic” and I think an edible and well balanced meal is well within a satisfactory level of treatment for a prisoner.

I’m all for like, giving them healthy food options, letting them choose from a small menu, etc. But starving yourself because your food’s not organic and then getting your way rubs me a little the wrong way. It’s not a hotel, it’s jail. It shouldnt be a horrible place but it shouldn’t be the fuckin ritz carlton.


Hopefully they just gave him the same shit and told him it was organic. I mean I know he’s a shaman but I doubt his powers extend to determining the organicness of plated foods.


A guy on MSNBC brought up the impeachment of some Secretary (maybe Army) in 1876. The guy resigned just before the impeachment vote, and they impeached anyway. He was tried, but not convicted in the Senate. So, yes, it can happen, and there is a precedent.

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I did spend a weekend in jail and ate nothing but top Ramen but yes I’m aware. My point was more we shouldn’t really be mocking prisoners for requesting organic food and should be very glad he got it.

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I’ve heard so many different things, but one of them was that the vote to impeach had to occur before his term ended, even if the conviction happened later.


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Trump is gonna be so pissed when he finds out about this.


“Organic” is a largely meaningless label that tells you nothing about the quality or safety of your food.


“Hey yeah, Mr. President, I won’t remove you from office but I need one little favor - can you put out an obviously insincere statement condemning violence? Thanks.”

Which is perfect for a fucking Q Trumper shaman.


They probably told him its about BLM and ANTIFA!