The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

What the fuck is a challenge coin.


no need to watch any of the floor debate.

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the challenge is not to throw it back in her face


Wouldn’t that be like the 10th coup attempt?

It’s like the medals they give out for marathons except without the less than manly ribbon on it.

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Yup, which means he gets the 11th for free.


I googled this some months ago, apparently it’s called a challenge coin because you can produce it in response to a ‘challenge’ of your claim to membership of/attendance at whatever? It does sound like something you get after completing an obstacle course, though.

It’s like Xbox live achievements but for like killing 100 iraqi children or whatever.


That’s the most newspeak thing I’ve ever seen.

“You can’t come in. Nobody can come in.” While waves and waves of Trump supporters file by. Insane.

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like POGS for grown-ups


Same here but I think the military all knows to answer to Pence now. So Trump is down to just calling on militias to sacrifice themselves on Telegram. Not sure how many will want to do that.

But then again it’s Trump so there’s probably some ridiculous plan no one’s thought of yet. I do worry about Russia doing some false flag terrorist attack and making it look like Iran.

This is def a good take I mean he can park it there and if Trump tries to do something completely ridiculous he can have a vote inside of 10 hours or something right?

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I think McConnell said he had the votes to try and encourage an impeachment vote from the Dems. That will allow his colleagues (and probably him too since he has no shame) to say that the radical left are dividing the country after a tragic incident. Then it allows him to eat up a bunch of Biden’s first 100 days.

This will be paired with him doing all kinds of shit to delay seating some/all of the three Dem Sens who need to be seated before Schumer becomes leader.

Just standard McConnell shameless evil successful shit, really.


Remember Alf? Well he’s back… in challenge coin form!


So not sure where to put this, but has anyone else been noticing Trumpy trucks driving like fucking maniacs since the 6th?

It’s been absurd here in AZ. These fuckers are cutting me off and just driving super aggro and erratically. One guy tried to run my girlfriend off the road (she’s Jaimaican) on a surface street. He kept moving lanes and cutting her off, speeding up and slamming on his brakes etc. Not gonna lie this is the first time I’ve felt actual fear in the age of Trump.


They probably just told him it’s organic and fed him whatever - it’s not like he can even tell the difference. Surprised they didnt already try that.

I’m not super thrilled about that Democrat making it widely known the House members are terrified of death threats. That could seriously embolden the militias to try more.

If they can somehow kill one of these House members who voted to impeach - it’s over. It’s impossible to overstate the amount of leverage the nutjob wing would get from that.

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Syncing up his “SS” with Secret Service was a nice touch.

eta: wow, this is amazing @BestOf


I’d be shocked if he didn’t have some organic boogers and dingleberries thrown in for extra zest.

We’re on team prisoners getting served decent food though right? Even if they did awful shit? I feel like any prisoner that wants it should be allowed organic or whatever the fuck food they want outside of obviously outrageous shit on the regular.