The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

Feels like the Simpsons arcade where Bart is fighting with his skateboard.

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I want to fight Matt Gaetz irl


Gaetz is really just going to carry on with every lie and conspiracy theory through all of this. When people like him die, I want scientists to study their brains. There has got to be something physically deformed in there.


It is extremely risky for Mitch to not nuke Trump and ban him from running again. But it was also risky not to ship the $2k checks, which cost him his power. Just like it was risky to nuke Garland. He is clearly very comfortable with high variance plays.

I’m not convinced this is some genius move, it doesn’t really matter much if Biden has to burn a week on an impeachment trial or confirming nominees or whatever.


This is just every blocked twitter account getting national tv time to spew lies with no consequences.


Not sure they had to impeach, could have just said they knew Republicans were going to just delay and wanted to focus on helping the American people because the party of trump hasnt and wouldn’t.

If they did have to impeach they should have stayed the weekend and done it then. Make it seem urgent. Say anything that happens after that is on Republicans failure to act to protect the country

I think they 100% had to impeach, setting quite a bad precedent if this wasn’t impeachable.

I think they can still say anything that happens after this is on republicans. I think thats quite a good reason for doing it now, if something somehow really bad happens in a few days.

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These are good points. I feel like Mitch is in big danger of losing a lot of power/clout. Fucking up the 2k checks, leading to losing the senate majority, and the majority of the base absolutely HATING him. He’s a top 3 hated RINO right now.

If he leads the charge on impeachment and it fails miserably I can’t see him still being the leader of the party heading into 2022.

So now I understand this even less lol. Seems like a huge personal risk for him if he doesn’t have the votes locked in, unless he was just floating a trial balloon and comes out strongly against impeachment publicly and does the whole fake news thing.

Anti-Trump politics is great for Ds when Trump is not on the ticket.

Not sure if sarcastic, but this was sure true in 2018.

It’s long term/short term. McConnell is probably personally fine with taking the short-term hit of losing some Trump voters to get Rs on the long-term course he prefers and avoid the risk of ruin that may come from letting Trumpism continue unchecked.

His younger, ambitious colleagues who may have races to win in 2022 and 2024 are probably not chill with it.

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Maybe putting off the Senate vote will work for the dems, as i think momentum might build as more is revealed over coming weeks?

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I’m starting to think he’s closer to being a moron that just happens to have structural advantages, like more than half the country being redneck morons.


you do not, under any circumstances, have to pour one out for Liz Cheney

lol deplorables tho.


6 confirmed house R’s, that’s 228 for those scoring at home


Not sarcastic, true in Georgia 2020 as well. Point is there is no political risk to “overplaying hand” in opposing Trump.

I don’t know why everyone thought Mitch was going to have all those senators fly back to DC for some kind of Friday vote just because he made some cooing noises about impeachment. It would have been nice but it never seemed likely.

I said from the beginning I think he wants to have this senate vote hanging over Trump like a sword. So I guess one more coup attempt and you’re out buddy.

My big question though is can the senate vote on this house impeachment after Trump is gone from office? In that case Schumer is running the impeachment which seems important.

Also when do Ossoff and Warnock get sworn in and does that matter?

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And as Trump tries to nuke Iran or something to get a state of emergency so he can remain president.

A second coup attempt before Jan 20 seems pretty likely to me.