The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

Yeah I’m guessing they did not expect this from Mitch and he outplayed them again. Though we will see how the senate hearing plays out.


Probably not, delaying this until Wednesday and not actually having a thorough intense house impeachment which shows all the awful shit that happened seems pretty bad.

Seems like dems are playing this pretty badly as usual.

As @anon10387340 said we were all expecting them to come out with some previously unknown awful shit in the impeachment.

He will go down in the history books as the only president to be impeached twice (so far), the only one impeached for insurrection, and likely the only modern one with a majority voting to convict, so all that’s worth something

Moreover the narrative that the Republicans need to break with Trump is right, and this is the best possible time to do it. They got everything they could get from him (mainly SCOTUS appointments). Plus he’s weaker than ever because he loses power in a week and can’t even Tweet back in the meantime. So some slim chance he actually gets convicted for the benefit of both parties.

Motherfucker displaying an anti-mask message on his mask when almost 400,000 are confirmed dead from COVID-19 in this country.


America does not deserve AOC.


I like Van Drew’s klan-like pocket square.

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Vince Carter It’s Over Dot Gif

I thought Johnson came within one vote of conviction.

lol us


yeah, you’re right. edited my post

So do senate dems go with a length senate trial with witnesses etc knowing it’ll fail to try and hurt Rep senators, or do they rush through it in a week or w/e to try and get on with Bidens agenda?

They’re now in a shit situation. Rushing it makes it seem like it was a weak political show, a lengthy trial puts covid on the back burner which undercuts how serious it is for the Biden team.

Blah. What a shit show.

I was worried the moment Mitch said this initially. Well played you fucking scumbag.


The guy is literally dead and he’s still crushing democrats.


My vote is just rush the impeachment trial and try to get stimulus checks vote ASAP and push through covid relief bill with vaccine/stimulus money.

Someone said reconciliation takes a long time? 3 months? Is that set in stone? We need vaccine, state and local etc money out ASAP.

Someone needs to put Bidens nuts in a vice and make him abuse the shit out of executive authority to get as much vaccine & state and local money out as possible before this bill passes anyways,


Rep. Ken Buck (R) Colorado rails against Hollywood for daring to speak on politics. They never seem to remember they elected a reality TV star who babbled about politics for 40 years before running for office.


Not sure I agree with Mitch outplaying, the dems needed to impeach, I’m not sure on what part they could do anything different as far as making sure it plays out better. I’m not sure we could really expect much revelations wise in a longer house process, even if it did, unless they found stuff linked to Trump or certain politicians from the rioters in planning etc but no way we could know that very quickly and not sure how that works with law enforcement even letting people know that if they found it.

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Hope all these RINOS get harassed by trumpers for the rest of their gutless lives.


Can they really not vote to impeach after the 20th?

that isn’t gonna fly

I guess they could impeach later but then we’re gonna get 50 impeachments of hillary clinton

gaetz talking about the biden crime family lmao