The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

God almighty Jim Jordan is a planet sized piece of shit.

Why are we impeaching him - just look at his achievements!

The greatest country ever.



yes this was posted before but obligatory


He’s a goddamn Einstein compared to a lot of his competition, but smarter than them doesn’t mean smart in general.

Trump raped America. Looking the other way in cases like that is Gym Jordan’s brand.


This is literally what ebay is.

Ben Shapiro has a punchable brain

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Is AOC ever wrong?


I’m honestly worried about screen burn-in on my TV with Gym Jordan, Gaetz, and Gohmert all in the frame.


Looks like Linzee is a no. Shocker.

Louie Gohmert citing what he saw on the history channel about impeachment

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Not trolling here, but can someone explain to me why go through this process when it appears there’s no chance of it actually mattering?

This just seems ceremonial in a way. It won’t even hurt any republican.

Can’t wait for the people saying it would happen to tell us they didn’t really mean it was going to happen


You can’t keep your bread fresh with flexi-cuffs bro.

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I was really hoping that the dems were going to share tons of really bad not previously known stuff which would put the repubs on the spot. But I’ll I’m hearing about so far is repubs excuse making.

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Marginally wrong, being targeted by the mob while you live in DC/NYC is not nearly as hard as being targeted with a family in Trump Country, USA.

It’s the northbound Whitestone and worse than seeing his name is seeing gdamn cars in the parking lot. Makes me mental more than the course itself.

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The thinking is it puts Republicans in a tough spot. Between their hardcore deplorables who will want them dead for voting yes, and whatever moderates are left still voting R. There have been a handful of people I know in real life who have gone along with Trump this whole time who are still somehow shocked and disgusted with what happened.

So the point is political, to hurt Republican senators with whatever moderates are left.

We all know that but the impeachment feignt gives the media a pro-Mitch narrative to run with. I’m sure he’s happy with that.

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While we’re at it, there are also [redacted] state park signs on the Taconic that can fuck right off.

I doubt there’s much interest with moderate republicans in impeaching a president who is leaving office in 7 days.

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