The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

Damn only 5 Republicans votes for impeachment?

Although house is up every two years so it makes more sense to be afraid of this vote than say 4 or 6 years.

Still seems super unlikely.

A secret senate vote would be an absolute farce.

Yeah if some super fucked up shit happened that isnt public dems needed to present that to put added pressure on Republicans

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Misdirection. He’s wilfully neglecting to approve Bidens nominees and no one is talking about it because they’re too busy praising his bipartisan leadership.


McConnell has said 1/19 is the earliest.

Look at the election objection votes to certifying Biden, way, way higher % of House Rs went along than Senate.

Senators truly are the “elite,” whereas your average House member is a relative nobody that doesn’t have a good 2nd option to living in and representing their loony toon district.

Senate members obviously are power hungry and prefer to keep their seats but they have decades of relationships and big favors to cash in. And they can just move their family to DC or the relatively sane big city in their home state.

Plus 6 year Senate terms vs 2 year terms in House. Plus Senate members being older and more at peace w/ idea of retiring.

All adds up to Senators being able to think more long term rather than just immediately doing what their mob wants in the moment.


Just listened to them read the impeachment article. I’m surprised that they tacked on “and for just being a cocksucker” to the end.


Just realized Trump would be the first POTUS in US history to be impeached and convicted, although it would have probably happened to Nixon if he hadn’t resigned.

Won’t Schumer be the one to bring Biden’s nominees forward for confirmation?

Oh gawd she’s invoking Kennedy.

IDK if waiting makes it more or less likely to set off a MAGA charge, but if it goes off then he’s set the stage to blame Biden for any further acts of sedition.

So I guess I hate it but expected nothing better from him.

Yes but only because Mitch is refusing to. Normally these things are managed as part of the transition. Mitch is just giving Biden the finger on the way out because he knows Joe is addicted to the illusion of bipartisan cooperation.

Yesterday seemed much more promising


Wait so Bidens nominee’s can already be confirmed before he is? I assumed that wouldn’t happen until Biden took office. So normally you’d have an out going president working with the cabinet of the incoming president?

Also pushing impeachment against the base is a big bullet to take to delay nominee’s a week… Maybe he wants to dangle the possibility of a conviction to goad the dems into a long trial that delays Bidens transition?

Still seems like pissing off the base that much for delaying shit a week or two is a horrible trade.

Still think them trying to win some moderates back seems like the most sensible reason.

This is where I read about it, I assume its true.

Snowflake cuck doesn’t know the difference between zip ties and flexi cuffs. Never forget that he’s supposed to be the SMART ONE.

Sounds like thats just Mitch being Mitch and he doesn’t need any cover to do that. He was never gonna help Biden in any way.

theres supposed to be hearings for like 3-4 nominees on the 19th, i didn’t realize they were usually confirmed earlier though. but yea Mcconnell going to waste as many random days as he can but once we own the senate he’s donezo on slowing shit down i hope

I didn’t realize confirmation hearings took place prior to inaugurations either. But yeah, I assume Mitch would’ve never moved those processes forward, regardless of impeachment.

He has ties to pharma and is trying to hold checks hostage over vaccine stuff. I would bet on it being donor things. He’s also dog whistling to white hillbillies with the “only for those who need it” bullshit with conditions like “unemployed through no fault of their own.” His voters absolutely believe there is a group of people who are unemployed entirely due to their own laziness and deserve nothing.

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