The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

One thing I always ask myself when I start to think is this GOPer being reasonable here is ‘Do you think they are arguing in good faith’ The answer is always no these days.

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For sure they’re operating in bad faith, but it does make sense for them to do this out of self preservation. Anyone who didn’t object is considered a traitor at this point anyways, so they don’t have a whole lot to lose impeaching and convicting him. They lost those voters anyways, and this will allow them to pull in a bunch of moderate well off whites back.

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Almost makes you wonder if it perhaps wasn’t a good idea to whip these heavily armed people up into a frothy violent mob with all the lies and conspiracy theories.

Speaking of bad faith


The thing about counting votes in politics is that it’s highly non-linear. When you see things pass by 1 vote it’s because they decided who the members are that are vulnerable and you give them cover to vote against it, while everyone else votes for it. Similarly, when someone like Mitch is for it, that counts for a hell of a lot more than one vote.

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Guess they come in use when he needs tie his wife down.


hopefully a trend


Yeah this is super important and everyone seems to forget this when like Joe Manchin comes out against stimulus checks because he knows Romney or whoever will vote for them instead. They trade votes all the time.


Yea it really needs to happen. That Republicans get to call a mulligan every time they lose needs to be shut down

That’s fine for certain things, but when you are too cowardly to come out against insurection???


And… not lose corporate donors. Let’s not forget what makes the world go round

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Should at least be a tan suit.

The :+1:

I don’t know about that. Trump disputing the election feels like the logical conclusion of the GOP’s voter fraud push. As the GOP avatar how could he be like ‘I concede gracefully’? The election was always going to be disputed as evidenced by all the GOPers who were fine cosplaying like there were irregularities, it was just a matter of keeping the discontent froms pilling over into violence which Trump didn’t have the instincts to do like an establishment GOP conman.

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Hopefully, it’s not a trend, but becomes the norm. I don’t always side with cancel culture, but I love AirBnB not accepting their business and hope DC hotels jack their rates. I’m ecstatic that major corporations decided it politically expedient to cancel donations to Republican objectors, that people are getting fired from their jobs, that all their social media is being blocked. Hopefully, they have trouble renewing their leases for rent. There needs to be a huge show of solidarity here. Nazis need to be purged from society. Full stop


I also don’t know about that. The strongest part of Trump’s play is that he’s not a “loser”. Romney’s a loser. But Trump’s a winner that had an election stolen from him. In fact, if Trump conceded gracefully, you can guarantee that Cruz and Hawley would have hit him with some form of “Trump’s great and all but he couldn’t close the deal and now we have Communist Joe Biden”. Fascists abhor a loser.


I think Mitch believes he has the votes. This may be annoying but let’s count the votes. Obviously, I am missing some:

Will vote “yay” to remove:

Mitch McConnell
Lisa Murkowski
Mitt Romney
John Cornyn (I think he will follow Mitch and has been saying the election was valid for awhile)
Lindsey Graham (This is my hot take pick of the week. He won’t pass up the chance to be Brutus on the Senate floor)

Who else?

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what they are showing on MSNBC, the fence with a bunch of legit soldiers behind it, ramping up to 15K soliders in the city, should be fine

I’m not really defending it. I just think it’s super obvious sometimes with Manchin specifically that they’re giving him cover when they can since he’s a Dem in WV.