The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

The latter. Edit: Well, I don’t know. if a district or circuit court rules its a political question and tosses a suit by trump, supreme court might just deny cert. Hard tto tell.

eDems believe them because procedural BS is something they care deeply about.

This dude thinks it would surely go to the SC

And man what a spectacle that would be. Trump would love it.

Stolen from elsewhere:

A mob of the MAGA persuasion
Conducted a Senate invasion
Though violent and armed
They parted unharmed
And that’s how you know they’re Caucasian.


SCOTUS might view it as important to rule that disqualification from office, if it comes to that, is also a political question.

The revolution being orchestrated by Sammy Davis Jr’s kin wasn’t on my bingo card.


I said a few days ago I think they’ll impeach and convict, and also said Mitch has the votes.

It has nothing to do with growing a spine or patriotism or any other nonsense like that - I think this is a golden opportunity for the GOP to move on from Trump, and it’s the very first time in the last 4+ years that their incentives are aligned with removing him. He can’t appoint any more judges, and the GOP has an incredible opportunity to hedge against Trump by removing him in the case that he becomes politically toxic.

Trump just lost them all three branches of government, and the lunatic Qanon base has already turned on 80% of the GOP. At this point it’s clear to everyone that riding with Trump again in 2024 is not only a losing electoral decision but is totally untenable on an individual level after Trump’s supporters literally just tried to hang Mike Pence because he didn’t throw the election.

IMO it’s gonna happen


I can’t be the only one who’s surprised there wasn’t already metal detectors at the fucking capitol right? I guess you can’t go in unless you have xyz permission or something but even still?

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That tweet has been taken down because the photo is actually from 2019.



There’s just so much to debate here.

There are no doubt metal detectors there all the time, but members of Congress don’t need to go through them.

Lawyers and judges don’t need to go through the metal detectors at State courthouses either (still have to at the Federal district court). Everyone just assumes that someone with a title can’t be a crazy terrorist, I guess.



I assumed the new change was that actual Congresscritters have to go through a metal detector. Even the museums make tourists go through detectors and do a bag check.

Which is also a new thing, BTW. Pre 9/11, they didn’t have security to stop you at the door of every museum and you could just stroll into the Freer gallery like in a normal functioning society.

Yeah that worked. Jack Dorsey thanks you.

(Just teasing/taking a piss (taking the piss ?))

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It’s the Whitestone. I’ve picked up and dropped people of at JFK on a number of occasions (maybe a couple od a dozen time so not big numbers I suppose) and have never seen anyone on that course. There’s rarely a car there.

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Ok crowdsorcerers, which of those people stormed the capital anyway?