The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

I don’t know about a military coup as much as a American Sadat situation

This is a good point. If the Capitol riots hadn’t happened, Trump could easily have come back in 2024 and been a worrying contender. But after this, McConnell might see Trump as the reason the GOP will lose in 2024. He has to remove this guy from the pool and let fading memories give the GOP a chance at retaking the presidency.


Why do they need to “buy time”? It’s not like the statute of limitations is going to run out any time soon. Can they use the arrest as something to keep these people away from DC on the 20th?

If I were them I would want to clearly lay out what behaviors are going to be punished with sedition charges and what’s going to be punished with trespassing or whatever. Then they’d have to do a ton to work all that out and proceed. And I don’t think they should bring any political charges like sedition at all until Trump is out of office. Make sure the new administration is on board with those charges and also make sure that Trump doesn’t get mad that his biggest fans are being charged bigly and pardon them.

trmp’s telegram added about 25k subsribers since yesterday. he posted teh emergency declaration for DC on it. seems like he normally would have done it through twitter

Snatching the target from Mike Pence’s back, blowing it up at Kinko’s, and Gorilla gluing it to your face to own the libs.

Does Telegram have it’s own servers or can a cloud provider kill them off too?

onion? or is trump really active on telegram?

they are spread at several providers across the globe. it won’t be as easy to deplatform telegram. russian government tried to block them for about 18 months and failed.

trmp is active on telegram. he posted on it yesterday, and his chat is still up.

Convicting Trump after impeachment could be one of those one in a million scenarios where the long term health of the GOP and the country are aligned.


They aren’t going to deplatform Telegram lol.

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Operational center is in Dubai. Maybe Sleepy Joe will lean on UAE if the platform becomes MAGA central.


the place is already grand central for a lot of things, including pro-democracy outlets in authoritarian countries, and right-wing groups. the only thing it does better than facebook, it doesn’t recommend anything, afaict

Joe Manchin is very good at playing everyone

Ain’t life a Mitch?

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Yeah I’m reading a bit about it now. Had honestly never heard of it and thought it was some half ass alternative like parler.

Well it’s good to know the republicans have a line. It’s at or somewhat to the right armed insurrection including attempted murder of the VP and legislature. We knew there had to be a line somewhere. He can at least see it from here.

Final vote?


Kinda weird that I received this 1 minute ago:

Telegram, [12.01.21 17:24]
Telegram surpassed 500 million active users.

In the past 72 hours alone, more than 25 million new users from around the world joined Telegram.

Thank you! These milestones were made possible by users like you who invite their friends to Telegram.