The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

Let Mitt be the final vote plz


Just so I’m clear. Lying about unauthorized blowjob is an impeachable offense. And organizing an armed insurrection is an impeachable offense…barely, I guess.

My understanding is that you can’t reach cell phone towers from within much of the Capitol, so there are internal cell phone boosters or whatever that will have logged data from phones within the building, so they should be able to identify any active phone inside during the coup attempt.

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Excellent. So you get Mitch to convict and still end up like 12 Senators short. GJGE.

(You still need to go ahead with the process, though. To not do so would be an abdication of you job).

Mitch doesn’t make a statement like this (though off the record) without already having the votes.


Or Mitch is the sort who wouldn’t let this be know if he didn’t have enough of his caucus along for the ride to convict.


we got him?


Yeah that’s what I meant. They’ve got it all. But they could still subpoena the outside towers as well.

Fair point. He is that calculated. I’d still be shocked if there were 67 votes to convict.

Hopefully Jon Oliver does a special episode if this happens


Hopefully the fact that Mitch is likely on board with conviction doesn’t mean that he’s going to try to get the evidence shoved under the rug. We need details on how this went down and how complicit Trump was before, during and after.

Clearly they will be missing one vote in the senate. Loud thunder, undertaker entry music, John McCain walks in with a giant thumb.


Possible Mitch is in favor of a quick impeachment and removal precisely because he DOESN’T want evidence to come out.


@microbet Will let you out of our bet for $32, good through tommorow at 10:30 AM Mountain Time.

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it won’t be forever, but I’ll take the Mitch McConnell face turn

can’t wait for Mitch McConnell, Resistance Hero. Is MSNBC dumb enough to fall for this? All signs point to yes.


Morning Joe literally opened with the sedition statute, reading it in full. Seemed quite broad. Two or more people engaged in an act to disrupt or delay official government business is punishable with up to 20 years.

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It’s a clumsy Georgia pun. Though General Sherman marched from Atlanta to Savannah, and this Christine guy moved from Savannah to Georgia.

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And then he can die as quickly as McCain did.